A Joke Gone Awry - Mint_Love (2024)

Looking back this was not what he had intended at all to happen. When Wukong had said he was welcome back to Flower Fruit Mountain at any time, he intended to take full advantage of the invitation all while having a bit of fun of course. After all, the Six-Eared Macaque was known for his mischievous ways.

He had thought up a plethora of ways to take up Wukong on his offer; this had been the best one to come to mind. The idea being: He would sneak into Wukong’s room and greet him right as the sun shone into the bedroom. He would get a good laugh at what would very likely be a shocked and angry Wukong. They might even chase each other around after that. It would all be some harmless fun at the start of the day. And with any luck, once they both settled down perhaps Wukong would take him around the mountain. Show him what new changes have come and gone or stayed over all these years.

It was going to be the best way to come back to Flower Fruit Mountain without it being a melodramatic and possibly awkward afront. As much as he loved theatrics he didn’t want coming back to be a whole show. - After all, he did live here for decades at one point.

So, in short, after a less than fitful sleep a few nights prior and having had conjured up every conceivable plan he ought to think of. Sneaking up on Wukong was the best, concise, and well thought through idea to reach. Nothing could have gone wrong. That he had assured himself of many many times.

Yet, here he was not having the least bit of fun in his current predicament.

After having come up from the shadows. Macaque soundlessly made his way over to the empty side of Wukong’s plush king sized bed. He took a glance at Wukong to confirm his target was truly asleep. The blankets were thrown off to the side of Wukong, laid haphazardly across the bed. Wukong likely tossed them during his sleep and was now laying clad in only peach themed boxers -He had rolled his eyes seeing that- sprawled across the bed.

Planning to be a respectable distance away, so as not to touch Wukong, Macaque placed a single knee and both hands down on the bed. Readying to inconspicuously lie down across from Wukong, and then wait for the pepper time to scare him.

However, before he could settle himself down, he was being gripped by his wrists by a peach colored tail. His body was pulled down and dragged across Wukong’s bed. He was facing toward Wukong, eerily close enough to see his chest rise and fall without needing to peer deeply in the moonlight that shone sparingly throughout the room.

Thinking Wukong had woken up and chosen to startle him, as a way to get back at Macaque for sneaking into his place to begin with. He held his breath slightly and raised his gaze up.

He fully expected to see a cheeky smirk or disapproving look running across Wukong’s face. Right as Macaque laid eyes on him and opened his mouth to speak, a sliver of moonlight peaked onto Wukong’s blissfully unaware slumbering face. The sight that greeted him made him pause all thoughts. He stared for possibly quite longer than what was -very actually rather than likely- socially acceptable, especially for a so-called nemesis of Wukong’s.

Macaque hadn't seen him so calm in a very long time.

He couldn’t help but be just a little bit transfixed. Keeping the details of what he saw to himself in the back of his mind. Allowing himself just a few moments to appreciate what he saw.

An unarmored and peaceful Wukong.

Wukong's mouth was parted slightly, lightly snoring, with what was clearly a speck of dried drool that had rolled down at some point in the night. Wukong’s limbs remained spread out, in a starfish position, taking up as much of the bed as possible.

Sleeping for Wukong was the one time he could be “dead” to the world. Not a sound roused him. Waking when he pleased. He recalled asking Wukong about it once when they were youngsters.

Wukong had emphatically told him, “Why shouldn’t I sleep however I want? You're next to my side and I'm immortal 7 times over, nothing can bother me.” Macaque had thought that was one of the stupidest and simplistic answers he’d heard. Wondering how a monkey could be so nonchalant about just about everything.

Shaking his head clear of old memories and back to the present, Macaque began moving his body to get away. He didn’t want to be stuck here thinking about the past. But, Wukong was like a boa constrictor, the more he moved the greater his grip seemed to get.

Macaque had to try and wake Wukong. He wasn’t even trying to be discreet, groaning and writhing his body, but it seemed Wukong was determined to keep him still so he could continue sleeping undisturbed.

Huffing, he shuffled his body away from Wukong, giving his back to Wukong to be on his left side. Hoping the added distance from his wrists and Wukong’s tail would allow for any kind of leverage, at the very least perhaps it would make Wukong lessen his hold just enough so Macaque could make his break for it. Unfortunately, it seemed there was no luck for the Six-Eared Macaque. Wukong did not give an inch.

Scowling he began wiggling his arms and body again with more determination. He contemplated giving up and calling out to Wukong. Maybe even teleporting himself and Wukong off a mountain side, he'd use Wukong as a cushion.

Actually… that wasn't a bad idea. It’d hurt Wukong momentarily, sure, but he'd be fine, not like he could die. It'd just annoy him more than anything. And considering the situation he was in this called for drastic measures.

Harrumphing quietly to himself, he made his decision. This was a sound and concise play on his part. He reassured himself twice. Twice! That this was the best course of action. He wasn’t being dramatic; he just needed Wukong off. He wouldn’t teleport them far, just off the mountain side of the island they were currently on. Wukong may even wake up before they descended far and could get his nimbus cloud to catch him then he'd be back in bed before the sun rose.

Nodding to himself Macaque readied himself for their quick trip and what he was sure to be a sound scolding thereafter. He’d damn himself back to Diýu again if he didn’t at least attempt to escape his current predicament by any means necessary.

As he was thinking, the feeling of a hand smoothing down his front with a light touch caused him to jolt and stop anything he was doing. Wukong had turned onto his side, his right arm on top of Macaque’s body. His hand stopped underneath his breast, there was no real strength behind the movement. Almost akin to a soothing gesture to hold him close and stop further movement.

If Macaque wanted to, he very likely could have shifted Wukong’s arm back, being none-the-wiser. He was in the process of turning around to move Wukong’s arm when he felt a warm breath of air against his ear, stopping his movements.

Macaque remained still, as he was now held, with his back directly against Wukong’s chest. It was firm and muscular yet lithe after being built up over centuries of training. He hadn’t felt that in what seemed to be eons. Wukong had often cuddled with him in their younger days, it had never bothered him. In fact, at one point, it was one of his most cherished memories.

Macaque relished the innocent touch and the long forgotten familiar feeling of Wukong so close. He let himself cherish this fleeting touch that was given. Having Wukong so close without there being venomous words being spit at him as he Wukong gave blow after earth shattering blow to each other in a fight.

This was short lived, however, as he felt Wukong drag back up against him. He felt impossibly close. There was no room between them. Wukong’s right arm shifted, moving down to his hip. Keeping Macaque in a firm embrace that left no room to escape.

Macaque was unable to move; he didn't even dare to breath. Unsure of what may come next. Here he was up against Wukong, trapped. Unable to loosen the grip Wukong held on him no matter what he did. No wriggling or pushback aided him. He was sure Wukong would manage to travel with him if he attempted to teleport with his shadows.

His cheeks started to warm with a blush at their close proximity. However, nothing might have rivaled the blaring deep auburn color that soared to his face as he felt Wukong nuzzle against the nape of his neck as he softly uttered, “Macaque”.

Turning his head to look backward, he could see that Wukong was still asleep.

Now after hearing Wukong whisper his name he wanted more than anything to hide himself away; but the best he could do at the moment was to hide his face in the bedsheet. Macaque resigned himself to staying put till Wukong woke.

For a few moments Wukong didn’t move again. Then he felt a gentle rustling behind him. At first, Macaque felt the warm press of Wukong dissipate behind him. Great! He sighed a breath of relief. Wukong would readjust his position to be further away then, he could hopefully, be discreet in teleporting away via his shadows soon enough.

However his reprive lasted all of 5 seconds, until he felt Wukong move back against him. Then he felt Wukong do ot again. He'd move off then come back then repeat. It all started out very subtle then he felt Wukong meet his backside again with the barest of groans heard, now moving closer minutely each time he pushed away and came back.

It was then he realized what Wukong was doing. He lit up a vibrant red across his face and ears. Wukong was… he was really…

Macaque groaned quietly. The movements were gentle almost as though Wukong was purposefully putting great care into his movements so as to not bruise him.

He was ashamed to admit it felt good. He pushed back tentatively to the rocking against his back from Wukong.

If Macaque truly wanted to lose himself he could even go as far as to imagine that Wukong was caressing him. But he knew better, Wukong would not hold him gently when he's awake. At least not anymore.

Macaque felt his wrath enough times to know that gentle and Wukong were not copacetic terms when it came to him. But a man could dream, couldn't he? While in the midst of his momentary self-deprecating thoughts, he felt Wukong shift again.

While Macaque was in his thoughts, it seemed Wukong grew bored of his positioning. Where Wukong’s lower half was originally rubbing on his back, had shifted, and were now resting with one on at his waist and the other on his hip.

The arm around his waist tightened more as Wukong's lower end moved. Keeping Macaque saddled up against his body tightly to keep him in place. Almost as if he was afraid if he relinquished the slightest bit Macaque would dissipate from his hands into the shadows. - That, Macaque, wasn't something he'd be a betting man on himself doing. And wasn't that a sad notion for Macaque to come to. How quickly his will had come to a halt all at the very - admittedly, so far - slight ministrations of a peached furred monkey.

Wukong shifted his own waist lower, to be slightly beneath Macaque. Wukong’s co*ck was now aligned so that he was rubbing against the crevice of his plush buttocks, stroking himself up and down at a slow and methodical pace.

Wukong’s co*ck was in the perfect position to fully grind against him. Now seemingly finding more pleasure between Macaque's plush bottom, Wukong pushed forward with more vigor than before.

Wukong’s mouth opened slightly as he sighed hot and heavy against the back of his neck as the grinding went on. Each grind upward brought another puff of breath onto Macaque’s nape.

As painfully embarrassing it was that Macaque was trapped in this manner. He was loath to admit this might be bearable. Macaque could just stay silent and wait for this to stop. That was easy enough. He'd been to Diýu for Buddha's sake! This was nothing.

That was until Wukongs breaths moved from hitting the nape of his neck to his right ear. There was warmth radiating from Wukong as he sighed against Macaque's ear. Wukong’s breath got heavier once he was settled against him. Macaque could hear each minute inhale in and exasperated exhale. Each seeming more prolonged and desperate than the last. It was grating and pleasurable all at once. Making this to be all too much.

Macaque gripped the bed sheet next to his head with all his strength. Little tears could be heard as his claws penetrated the fabric.

He wanted to stop this, he knew it wasn’t right to be indulging yet here he was doing nothing to stop Wukong. If anything he was aiding in their pleasure, as he began pushing back more with what little movement the arm around his waist allowed. He was panting when he felt Wukong move his right arm up to his shoulder. Circling his left arm underneath their bodies to come up and lay across Macaque's torso, effectively trapping his body from moving. The most Macaque could do was grip a fistful of sheets with his hands.

Using his right arm Wukong began pushing Macaque down on his co*ck with each thrust up. Adding more and more friction, causing the bed to rattle with his strength. Macaque reached his right hand out, shakily grasping the bed sheets. As his left hand turned inward and latched onto Wukongs arm held across his chest.

Wukong’s co*ck shoved into the crevice of his ass more fervently now. At this rate Macaque worried the bed frame would snap. Wukong wasn't the only one making noise at this point. Try as he might to hold his breath Macaque could no longer hold back. Not with everything Wukong had done, effectively tearing down his defenses with his onslaught of ministrations. Macaque felt like a pleasure toy, allowed to move only when it best suited Wukong’s pleasure and kept in place for the exact same reason.

This position held for what seemed hours but was only a handful of minutes, indicated by the clock at Wukong's bedside table.

On a particularly hard thrust and what he damn near swore was a growl next to his ear. Macaque cried out, “Ahh!”

Wukong moved. Letting out a small breath Wukong glided his tongue up and down twice befor settling back to rest his teeth on the juncture between his shoulder and neck. Not biting down, but keeping the overbearing possibility there.

Countless times he had seen enemies cowering in Wukong’s presence, only once seen his subjects do the same. Having that same power and strength turned on him with the same threat lingering right in his grasp was nothing if not euphoric to him.

Knowing that power was directed at him, not because Wukong was angry or seeked power from him, or that Wukong seeked control over him so that he would gain respect from some heavenly officials. No, instead it was merely that Wukong was loosing himself in Macaque alone, with no alternative motive in sight.

That understanding formed a warmth in his chest that spread throughout his whole body. Reaching lower and lower to his abdomen. His mind swimming in a heated fog, keeping him drifting and weightless in Wukong’s arms. His body warring between wanting to keep still and squirm away.

All while Wukong's thrusting continued on, his thrusts ramping up for each minute that passed.

Nearing a climax that Wukong seemed to be chasing feverently his growling grew louder and more feral. With dizzying thoughts Macaque realized it wouldn't be long before Wukong would reach his high, causing a groaned to leave his throat knowing he was the cause for Wukong's pleasure and need.

The more consistent and hard rocking that continued, Macaque rapidly began loosing touch of his outside senses. He began focusing solely on Wukong working himself out on his back, his hard member pressing tenaciously against him. Wukong never once showing signs of being tired.

Pleasure coursed through him each time Wukong gripped him just that little bit more to hold onto him tighter. Seeming just that touch more desperate, wanting, needing.

He was becoming less aware of himself. Loosing any forefront thoughts that came to mind. Then he simply stopped thinking. Let himself cherish these fleeting touches.

Closing his eyes, he focused on listening and touching where he could intently. The brushing of their fur against each other. The bed creaking. The clothing of Wukong’s boxer’s rubbing into his pants. The huffing against him as the bed creaked with each thrust of Wukong’s hips.

Feeling Wukong’s right arm continually shift him downward while keeping his lower half from moving too far away. Wukong seemed to instinctively know that should his grip lessen, Macaque would be propelled forward from the strength of his thrusts. The few times Macaque was jolted even the barest amount further than what Wukong seemed to want, he could feel Wukong bear his teeth against him.

Having any deterred movement from the growing friction between them, felt sinful. To be apart when their bodies both mutually desired and chased one another, was greater than any punishment hed gone through in Diýu.

Letting out a gruff momentary snarl as he yanked Macaque back to his desired place. He had let go of trying to control his body sometime into their intimate dance. Allowing for his body to fall pliant and his mind become a blank state. Although he wasn't very cognizant beforehand so that wasn't saying much. But how could he with the way his body was captured?

With each pistoning thrust, brought an increasing desire for there to be no barrier between them. Wanting Wukong to be in him. He would have been speared onto Wukong’s co*ck multiple times by now had it not been for their clothes keeping a barrier.

His mind and body were no longer his own, malleable for Wukong to do as he pleases.

Wukong kept his grip on him as he began murmuring something barely audible. Even with their proximity, he may have missed what Wukong was saying if not for his sensitive hearing.

Straining his ears to listen while simultaneously trying to string any coherent thoughts on how to process any information that came his way he heard Wukong.

A whisper of a breath, “Macaque, stay please.” He repeated this like a mantra that could be akin to a prayer. He sounded damn near desperate. And that was it for Macaque.

Everything he’d been desperately trying to hold onto was released like a flood gate. Tears formed at his eyes - they didn’t fall, he wouldn’t let them. He had to give himself some form of dignity no matter how small. Even as he gave way to the pleasure that he sought so hard earlier to remove himself from.

He cried out once more, this time with finality gasping the one name he never thought he’d hear himself say so wantonly.

“Wukong!”, he felt himself release, staining his pants. Then, as if triggered by Macaque’s own release, Wukong gave a few urgent thrusts forward. Gripping onto Macaque as though he was a life line; Macaque was sure he was going to bruise. For a second he thought that was only so Wukong could hold him closer keeping him in place.

He’d never felt this kind of intense pleasure from anyone before, let alone Wukong, his thoughts disappeared without any prompting. This was a first for him. This.. this was a different ball game.

And wasn’t that oh so sad. To be reduced to a puddle of empty thoughts when Wukong wasn’t even inside him.

Continuing his shameless thrusts that were shaking the bed frame enough to hit the back wall; Wukong moved his mouth right next to his ear, licking a long languid strip up to then bite onto the hollow of his upper ear. Wukong didn’t release Macaque’s ear, at that point. Providing further stimulation as he felt Wukong’s breaths sharply.‘Wukong was doing this on purpose he had to be, there was no way on this Earth that Wukong was still asleep.’ That’s what Macaque should have been thinking as Wukong was thrusting unrelentingly. As if Wukong was trying to wipe his mind clean of any thoughts that tried to invade a space Wukong wished to be.

On Wukong’s last thrust, that was borderline about to send Macaque into over stimulation. Wukong released his ear from his teeth to instead kiss the outer shell with reverence and a throaty grunt heard right next to his ear, Wukong’s hips finally stilled as his hold lessened.

Macaque felt a patch of wet warmth at his backside, with the previously hard member now slightly softening. Minute breathing could be heard coming from Wukong as he gently nuzzled back into Macaque's nape seemingly going back to blissful sleep.

Macaque closed his eyes, grateful for a chance to catch his breath. He didn’t know how to act right away. His thoughts whirled, but nothing seemed to register fully on what to do next.

‘It shouldn’t be long before Wukong’s grip loosens’, tired from all their activity, ‘then I could slip away.’

In the few moments that Macaque was thinking of his escape attempt he felt Wukong stop breathing all together, body tensed up, and his fingers twitched on his body loosening a fragment but still lingered on him.

He shouldn’t have looked back, he should have just leapt up and shadowed himself away from Wukong, the island, reality if he could manage. Yet that wasn’t what he did. No, no he turned his head around.

Only to look back and see large golden eyes staring at him, not breaking eye contact. Wukong remained unmoved, still holding him. Showing no emotion on his face yet, as if he hadn't a single thought processing. As if he was nearly assessing Macaque.

However Macaque’s mind was whirling. Thinking of any kind of excuse that may be feasibly acceptable to explain their positioning. It was no biggie, none whatsoever, perhaps Wukong didn’t realize what had occurred.

After all, people had wet dreams all the time. It just so happened that Wukong had spoken about him, uttered his name like a prayer, and held him while doing so. By the gods and Buddah he didn’t want to delve into that, he was already spiraling.

While in the travesty that was his mind, Macaque hadn’t realized Wukong shifted.

Wukong was using his left arm to prop himself up, right hand near Macaque’s cheek. He hadn’t touched Macaque yet, still staring with arm outstretched, not a word said and emotion hidden.

Wukong looked at him, fleeting moments passed that felt like an eternity. Then with a deep breath and tightening of his lip Wukong reached forward. Letting out an exhale once he touched Macaque’s cheek softly. The touch broke him out of his thoughts and Wukong startled too.

“You’re actually here…”, Wukong spoke quietly, as if to himself and not outloud to Macaque. It was like he hadn’t expected Macaque to be real.

His eyes held something Macaque couldn’t quite place; but they were overtly intense. Making him unsure of what to expect next. Macaque watched him go from being unreadable to holding far too much emotion all at once.

As though Wukong was stuck between too many multifaceted emotions. Eyes resembling 500 years of words and feelings that wanted to simultaneously vy for the #1 spot but none were the winner.

Darting his eyes between Wukong’s eyes to try and decipher anything then giving up he decided it best to say something. Opting to reply to what Wukong said seconds ago, whether he meant to direct it at him or not, it was the best course of action he could muster up.

“Yeah… I’m here. You did say I was welcome,” Macaque wasn’t sure what else to say at that moment. It seemed Macaque speaking was the thing to have broken whatever spell Wukong was under. He appeared aware now but was back to being unreadable. Macaque hated this back and forth of not knowing what Wukong was thinking and feeling. Especially when it came to him.

“Not in my bed,” Wukong stated as he moved his body, hovering above Macaque, his right arm by his head and his left on the other side of his body. Trapping him effectively. Readjusting himself, Macaque turned onto his back so that he wasn’t giving Wukong his side profile. Trying to put on some bravado to hide behind a smirk that he hoped wasn’t wavering. “You never clarified; I took it as an open invitation.”

Wukong seemed not quite upset, not yet, but he didn’t like Macaque’s response, that much he was sure of. Narrowing his eyes Wukong spoke tersely, "Do you always crawl into other people’s beds when they invite you over?”

He was feeling increasingly unease with the way Wukong was acting. There was an underlying question to the one Wukong had actually stated, he just couldn’t figure out what it was. What Macaque did know was that he needed to pick his next words carefully.

He scoffed cheeks warming up, looking away from Wukong’s intense gaze as he spoke next. “Of course not, but I’m sure you have. Who knows what you’ve got up to since I’ve been-”

“I haven’t.”, Wukong cut off anything further that Macaque wanted to say. Looking back to Wukong, he saw a very miniscule sly smile that he immediately wiped away. He was back to being despondent in appearance with a veil shadow of domineering aura peaking out.

Macaque knew that part of Wukong well, seen it countless times when facing enemies. Wukong was toying with him. Just not in the way he was used to. He hadn’t yelled at him, hadn't thrown him off, he wasn’t sure what Wukong’s play was supposed to be. What was the end game?

Wukong shifted down, bending his left arm on the bed so he could lean over next to Macaque’s ear. Wukong spoke purposefully slow, “It’s very forward of you to crawl into my bed. Saddle up next to me, let me hold you.”

“I-”, Macaque was trying to respond accordingly, but he wasn’t able to talk fast enough. Mind reeling. Wukong didn’t seem to mind though, as he continued talking.

“Did you want me to do something to you?”

“I -”, Wukong wasn’t letting him get a word in edgewise.
Wasn’t letting him get his thoughts in order.

“Well, more than we already have.” he waved his right hand nonchalantly.

The world around Macaque stopped and became completely off kilter.

“Y-you- you remember?” Macaque's eyes grew as wide as saucers. He thought Wukong hadn’t realized what happened between them.“There- There’s no way you were asleep then, not that entire time! You asshat!” He beat on his chest a couple of times with closed fists, no real strength behind his hits. “f*ck you!”

Wukong moved to hover above him again looking down at Macaque with an enamored look accompanied by a teasing smile. “I’m sure you’ll help me with that part later on. And, for the record, I was asleep. I just thought the entire thing was a dream. If I knew you were here I would have woken up a lot sooner; to do what I actually wanted a long time ago.”

Scoffing at him, Macaque tried to squirm away only to be brought right back to his original position by Wukong. “Ugh! Let me go! You giant peach brained jerk!” It sounded petulant even to Macaque’s ears but he was thoroughly pissed and embarrassed. He might as well do what he wants if Wukong is gonna be a right dick.

“No. That’s not happening, we're talking about this. If you were anyone else I’d let you walk, but you're not so we're talking this out,” Wukong said sternly leaving no room for question. To further solidify what he meant in not letting Macaque leave, he wrapped his tail around Macaque’s right leg. “There,” Wukong nodded, “No chance of shadowing away either.”

Macaque gaped at him; he was a right asshole. “Why can’t you just let me go?”, he questioned moving his leg feeble knowing damn well he couldn't shake Wukong off.

“I did once. I’m not letting it happen again. It was the worst 500 years of my life. Worse than when we fought and I was left under that god forsaken mountain. Worse then any other time I spent away from you.” Wukong stared down at him, not budging. Waiting to see how Macaque replied. All he did get in response was Macaque staring doe eyed up at him.

Wukong kept talking, “Okay then, I’ll start this first. Since I do have such a captivating audience.” Macaque glared up at him, Wukong allowed himself a small chuckle before continuing. “I’m gonna talk and you're gonna listen. Then I’ll do the same for you. Deal?”

Macaque mulled that over. He knew that if he actually tried to get away, fight back, plead to have Wukong off of him he'd listen. Wukong was a dick that wanted to have his way, but he wouldn't force him to stay not if he truly needed to leave.

He wanted to listen to Wukong. Know what he had to say. Nodding he prompted Wukong to continue.

“I never stopped thinking about you. I had countless dreams about you, almost every night, especially after…”

“You killed me,” Macaque finished for him.

He wasn’t angry when he said this; it was merely a point of fact that he was stating. As Wukong looked at him somberly, nodding minutely, he started up again.

“I didn’t mean to, you have to know that. I- there’s no excuse for what I did and I know apologies only go so far… But I am sorry, I mistreated what we had, all of it. I didn’t appreciate you. I was always running off like you said and looking for more in life. When I should have stopped to recognize what I had right in front of me.” Wukong took a breath. Giving himself and Macaque time to sink in what he was saying.

Bending his arm, Wukong hovered dangerously close to Macaque, not allowing their bodies to touch, but lowering his head so their foreheads connected. Wukong looked into his eyes, a deep honey gold that seemed to darken into an amber with the words he spoke next.

“I loved what we had. I loved being with you, love being with you. I should have stayed put, stopped constantly moving, talked things out with you. I was naive, stupid, and bull-headed. I closed you out and put blame on you when you didn’t deserve it. I put my own misfortunes onto you, that wasn’t fair of me. You had taken on so much when I was trapped underneath the mountain because of my own foolishness.” Wukong’s eyes and voice never wavered as he spoke.

This sounded, presumably, that Wukong rehearsed saying this over and over and over again until he could articulate exactly what he wanted. Macaque remained quiet, allowing Wukong his piece to speak.

“When I got out from the mountain I was bitter and I stayed bitter for a long time, even if there were some good times in between. I couldn’t let what happened go not for a long time. And with the punishments I received, while needed at times, always felt unfair to me. So when I saw you again, I was angry. I shouldn’t have directed my anger toward you. Then when I saw you not only impersonating me and going after my friends and master I-” Wukong let out a shutter.

Continuing his speech, “I lashed it all out on you. When we fought, I wasn’t myself. I was all anger and fury. I was pissed off about my punishments, my lack of freedom… Us.”

Huffing out a solemn, “My entire situation. I didn’t try to hear you out when you said you were hurt by my actions and worried. I never should have done that. My own actions made for my own direct consequences. I should have spent more time reflecting, not deflecting and feeling sorry for my own poor circ*mstances that were made by my own doing.”

Macaque kept his eyes on him, a tinge of sadness reflecting back at Wukong as he kept going.

“It wasn’t until after our fight… that I realized what I’d done. How I had let my anger control me to the point of destroying what I cherished dearest in the world.” Wukong closed his eyes briefly, his whole countenance seemed pained.

Opening his eyes again looking back at Macaque with sorrow dripping from his voice,“I didn’t want to talk or hear anything you had to say. Not really, I just wanted any reason, any excuse, to hurt when I was hurting. I never should have done that, not to someone who I cherished, who had always been there for me.”

Taking a breath, Wukong slightly removed himself from Macaque so they were no longer touching, but still well within each other’s space as he hovered above him on both his elbows.

“When my master helped to lay your body to rest, I sobbed for hours and I didn’t speak for days.” Macaque remained quiet at hearing this, letting Wukong continue, he wanted - no he needed - to hear what he said next.

“When I came back from my travels West. After everything happened, after you were gone. The monkies told me how you saved as many of them as you could from the demons and poachers that came to the mountain in my absence.”

Wukong held back a tinge of a smile that was trying to form on his face. He recalled how the little ones had all animatedly spoken of Macaque during his time away, “And that's why you impersonated me over the years I was gone, to help abade those attacks. That was true, wasn't it?” He finished speaking, reaching his hands up to cup Macaque’s face softly, seeking confirmation.

Macaque silently leaned into the touch unconsciously. He nodded, turning his gaze away as he did so, opting to remain quiet.

With that Macaque heard Wukong let out a shuddering breath which turned into a diminished singular sob that seemed to wrack his entire body. Wukong’s body recoiled slightly lower above him. As if Macaque had just given him a well delivered liver punch. Wukong’s head laid down on his shoulder for a brief moment, quiet sniffling heard coming from him. Glancing down he saw Wukong’s shoulders trembling slightly.

Wukong lifted his head, misty eyed; he looked directly at Macaque with what he swore was adoration and not an utterance of doubt held in his voice. “Of course you did. You always were my beautiful, smart-witted, trickster Liu Èr.”

Macaque looked up at Wukong, breath caught in his throat. He felt his eyes stinging as tears started to form. That’s when Macaque saw it. The face that he once held gingerly in his hands and lap as they took turns cleaning one another. He remembered seeing laugh lines as Wukong gazed up at him and talked. When they were young with not a single concern, strife or burden. Those laugh lines had seemingly faded and been replaced with the faintest worry lines after so many centuries passed. Macaque wandered just when those lines started to etch themselves onto this god’s meine.

Wukong clearly was apologetic, he admitted to what he did, accepted responsibility, was no longer placing blame on others, hadn’t repeated his mistakes afterward, and even praised him for looking after his subjects. He was still a bullhead thinker, but Wukong had grown in the 500 years they were apart. He had truly grown into the title he had bestowed upon himself so long ago.

Reflecting on everything that Wukong said he’d gone through in their time apart. He knew this much. Forgiveness took time to earn. Forgiveness took effort. Accepting Wykong’s apology today was a start. They could work on their relationship, build it a little at a time day by day. For it to be something new and better than what it once was.

There was no rule book for what he and Wukong went through. He didn’t have to accept Wukong’s apology and he didn’t think Wukong would blame him entirely should he choose one way or the other.

Taking a deep breath in, Macaque closed his eyes then exhaled.

He let a few quiet tears roll down from his eyes, then opening his eyes he spoke clearly and steadily, “Okay. Now it's my turn to speak and you listen.” Wukong nodded, anticipating Macaque’s words, looking at him in hope, glad to not have been dismissed.

Keeping his eye on Wukong, he started. “I accept your apology. While I can’t just drop everything that you did and move on, I can start to accept that you’ve changed. You’ve learned and grown. It's painful knowing that you changed after I was gone. That it took killing me to realize you needed to change. I wish you had figured it out with me, talked to me.”

He let out a soft sigh, “But that’s in the past and I can’t heal and move on like you have by staying angry and wishing things had played out differently.” He looked away momentarily to reach his left hand up to grasp gently onto Wukong’s wrist.

Silently warring with himself on what he wanted to do and what may be considered improper. Gathering his next thoughts, he gave in. In the blink of an eye he moved his head to place a feather-light kiss to Wukong’s wrist. He heard Wukong inhale at his actions.

Speaking quickly, with his head turned inward toward Wukong’s wrist, so as to not allow Wukong to make a comment on what he had done, “I was content just being by your side and playing on our island with your subjects.” Macaque felt his ears flatten to the side of his head as he spoke next. “I followed you into each fight by your side. You never forced me.”

Murmuring to himself, “I was brave on the battlefield and wasn’t off it.” Wukong tilted his head at him not hearing him.

Shaking his head and speaking up, he continued, “ I should have brought up my concerns to you sooner and discussed that I was unhappy and scared you were constantly vying for more power. That didn’t happen and all my anger boiled up into a rage and dissatisfaction when you were under the mountain.”

Wukong couldn’t help but interrupt, “If I recall you did try to mention it briefly to me, but I didn’t listen. I played it off.” Macaque shrugged his shoulders, eyes remaining focused off to the side rather than at Wukong, “Maybe so, but I should have tried more earnestly. Stuck to what I wanted. I needed to find my voice and I have.”

Wukong gave him a wicked smile, “From the way I heard you say my name earlier, I’d sure as hell say you have.”


“Yeah, like that but more insatiable.”, Wukong said with an airy lit to his voice.

Macaque huffed at him, now fully turning his head to direct his words at Wukong. “You're a goddamn menace, also you said that you would listen and not speak.” Wukong smiled down at him warmly. Deciding not to say anything further.

Rolling his eyes Macaque continued where he left off, “Anyways, all I was trying to say was that while yes you made mistakes, I also could have done things differently too. I pushed you by attacking your friends when I should have spoken to you more. I was upset that people you called your friends hurt you and you were defending them.”

Sighing, Macaque looked back to Wukong trying to gauge his reaction. It was back to being a blank slate, too hard to decipher what he was thinking, so he continued on. “It was infuriating. When I tried to voice anything to you it was as if you had already decided it wasn’t worth hearing and wanted to shut it down.” He took a brief pause to collect his thoughts.

Then found what he needed most to say, “Above all else; I felt left behind, forgotten like everything we had ever been through together meant nothing. That wasn’t my finest moment. I was doing the very thing that got us in trouble to begin with: Not listening and overreacting.”

Wukong’s heart lurched, hearing everything. Macaque needed to hear him out. If anyone were to bet that Macaque wasn’t on his mind when he wasn’t around they’d loose ten times over.

If his time apart from Macaque had taught him anything, it’s that waiting too long to say what he needed is not the best course of action, “With how I acted back then I see your point, but I never forgot you. I thought of you everyday.”

“Wukong,” Macaque looked at him pointedly, giving his best ‘stop interrupting face’. He was happy to hear Wukong say that and he couldn’t entirely blame him for wanting to get those words off his chest. He knew Wukong didn’t want him to keep the wrong idea in his head.

Afterall, he’s sure most of what he heard today from Wukong were all thoughts he’d been needing to say, but never got the chance. It did seem, however, that he still had to work on his timing.

Wukong looked at him sheepishly, “Sorry, keep going. Please.”

He gave Wukong a small appreciative smile before speaking. “You’ve had time to process everything while I was away in Diýu. I haven't. I still need time to heal and we still need to work on… us. Its going to take time.”

“I have time. Even if I didn't, I'd make time for you. Always. Above all else.”

Macaque stared wide eyed at Wukong; he just kept finding ways to throw Macaque off center to see him in a new light. He chuckled lightly doing his best to lighten the serious mood around them.

“You can stop with the melodramatic announcements now. That’s more my thing you know.”

Wukong stared back at him intently, “I meant it.”

“I know.” Macaque smiled warmly at him.

They stayed silent for some time after that. Quietly observing each other, Macaque had chosen to softly graze the fur around Wukong’s wrist while Wukong opted to stroke the fur behind his ears. Wukong shifted his body, this time so he was leaning on his arm so he remained slightly above Macque. Each celestial monkey viewing the other in what seemed to be a new light. They both have changed drastically in their time apart.

Now they each were giving the other an opportunity to learn about the other again. On one hand it was a somewhat beautiful thing getting to re-learn the new aspects of a person you’ve held dear for so long. On the other it was also terrifying, unsure if they’d be accepting of every part or if they’d take it all and learn to love you for the new parts that have come along.

After a couple more minutes passed Wukong broke the silence. Macaque was wondering when he would, he had felt his tail that was still wrapped around his right leg, twitching incessantly.

“Weeellll,” Wukong began, “now that the hard conversations are out of the way. I had a pressing matter I wanted to discuss,” Wukong appeared positively nervous. And Wukong was never nervous when it came to talking to him.

The few times he recalled Wukong looking like that was when he had to tell Macaque he ate the last of his food by “accident”. -By the 10th time it was no longer an “accident” in his opinion. But that was neither here nor there right now.-

Tilting his head quizzically, Macaque urged him on, “Yes?” Wukong stared at him for a moment, caught off guard, cheeks slightly pink-tinged. “Damn. Why’d you have to look like that?”

“What?”, Macaque was lost. Unsure what he meant. Wukong heaved a breath out.

“Look, there may be a more delicate way of going about this. But, I've never been known for having the most refined manners anyways.”

“Hey, I didn’t even know you knew the word refined. You're already doing much better than I would have given you credit for.”

“Gee thanks for the vote of confidence.”

“Please, you have enough vapid confidence to fuel the world. I’m not going to add to it.

Rolling his eyes Wukong got back to what he planned on saying “Anyways, I wanted kind of needed to know for my own sanity.” He scratched the back of his head, hedging around his questions until it burst out of him rapid fire. “I remember what happened earlier. How I basically got us both off. I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was actually you in bed with me. Otherwise I wouldn't have done that to you.”

Macaque flushed deep maroon across his entire face, neck, and ears. Partly from the embarrassment of Wukong talking about their shared climaxes and the fact that he sounded as if he regretted doing so with him specifically. “Well if I had known you were going to latch onto me like that I wouldn’t have gotten close enough to touch and soo sorry that it was me you did that to. Maybe next time it will be with someone more your type.”

It was then realization ran across Wukong’s face, horror showing clear as day at the poor choice of words he had chosen. “NO! No no no! That’s not at all what I meant. I mean…” He huffed out a quiet, “Gods and Buddha above,” before continuing more clearly.

“I just meant that, if I had known you were actually in bed with me and not just some figment of my imagination like you have been for years I wouldn’t have done that to you without asking,” Wukong finished breathless.

Macaque gaped at him. “Oh. Okay.”
He pondered for a moment before continuing. “You… you thought of me before? Like that?”

Wukong looked to him softly, a light shade of pink adorning the top of his cheeks as he smiled, “Of course. Look at you. You're beautiful. In every way conceivable.”

He looked to Wukong with amazement. He wasn’t quite sure how to respond to that. Distinctly aware of Wukong gazing at him gently, quietly taking in Macaque as his words soaked in.

He wanted to say something equally as nice and wonderful but nothing could come to mind other than to try and reassure Wukong about his worrying that what had gone on between them earlier was okay with him.

He shrugged slightly looking at Wukong with a bit of anxiousness, “I didn’t mind it. It felt… nice.”

Wukong’s eyes widened briefly. He wasn’t expecting that to come from Macaque. He loved seeing him shy and bashful like this. He wanted to see it more often, as much as he could. He was sure he’d never tire of seeing that look on Macaque.

His bewilderment subsiding a sly smirk shown clearly on his face as he spoke next. “Oh? Better than anyone else, right?”

Macaque blushed a deep crimson he was sure he’d never sported before, keeping silent now. Eyes darting away to anything that wasn’t Wukong.

Chuckling deeply Wukong leaned closer in, “So I’m right? That’s refreshing. Come on, be honest.” Wukong was probably having too much fun teasing Macaque, but he just couldn’t help himself.
This was more than he could have ever hoped for in the past. As he was caught up in thinking how to keep Macaque flustered, about what else he could say; he honestly did not expect these next words to leave Macaque’s mouth.

“I haven’t been with anyone. That was… a first for me.” He spoke the words quietly. But to Wukong they might as well been blaring sirens going off in his head.

Wukong went from teasing, to realizing the significance of what he had done earlier. He wouldn’t have truly cared if Macaque had been with someone in the time they were apart, they were never a couple, not officially anyways. While he knew that Macaque was rather reserved. It never crossed his mind that Macaque hadn’t been with anyone. Afterall, Macaque was beautiful and surely he had his own needs. To him it would have been foolish to believe that someone hadn’t approached Macaque during his absence to take advantage of the fact that he hadn’t been there to ward off any persistent or unwarranted attention. He had made peace with that.

That was until, Macaque put his thinking to a screeching halt-

No scratch that. Macaque had actually completely thrown him off his entire train of thought, no track to safely guide him, straight down a cliff with serrated spikes waiting for him at the bottom marking his doom.

His old friends would’ve said he was just exaggerating. But he didn’t think he was, his thought process was warranted given the new information Macaque had told him.

‘A first for me.’,with just 1 sentence and 4 little words Macaque had done him in. Wukong was finished utterly and truly.

Blinking down at Macaque, Wukong started to find his voice as his thoughts slowly came back to him. “You’ve… never been with… anyone?”

“Never.”, Macaque was firm in stating.

“Not at all?”

“That’s what I said”

“You sure?”

“I think I ought to know.”


“My answer isn’t going to change. No matter how many times you ask, Wukong.”

“Well it wouldn't be the first time you’ve made something up.”

“Are you trying to piss me off? I’m not lying about this. That’d be idiotic. Just because I haven’t slept around like you or fooled around any type of way, doesn’t mean anything.”

“It means everything and I haven’t gone all the way either.”

Macaque raised an eyebrow questioningly, “Are you just saying that to make me feel better?”

“It’s the truth! I didn’t want to. Not that I didn’t have opportunities; like lots of chances. I mean-” He stopped. Noticing Macaque glaring, exceedingly angry.

Clearing his throat slightly then starting up again, Wukong tried his best to make his point clear, “That’s beside the point. I just meant that even when I could have, I didn’t want to.”

“You seemed rather well versed in it earlier.”, Macaque stated grumpily while giving him a rather disbelieving look.

Wukong flushed, “Sure I know things and I’m no stranger to 2nd or third base but I never wanted to go further than that… Not if it wasn’t you.”

“And you accused me of lying.”

Wukong gave him a straight lipped look, serious as he spoke next, “One night, when we were young, after we had our first fight ever. I got sloshed out of my mind and stumbled into a brothel. I almost had sex then, but-”

“What?” Macaque edged closer to him. Leaning forward a bit into his space.

Wukong laughed at himself, “Before anything really got underway. I called out your name and... cried about the fight. At least that’s what the worker told me the next morning. She didn’t feel right doing anything in my state anyways, so she just listened to me the entire night. I apparently kept talking about you the whole time. She let me sober up and sent me on my way, letting me know I needed to talk it out with you. We made up that same day.”

Wukong was constantly surprising him. He vaguely remembered that day. He had been worried about their fight and Wukong leaving all night long. When he saw him the next morning his worry had washed away, getting over their first childish spat quickly. Macaque recalled hugging Wukong tightly upon seeing him, when he let go he seemed to think that Wukong had been looking at him differently. He never thought much of it, had chalked it up to a restless night playing with his eyes.

“After that night, I never wanted to be with anyone else. It never felt right.” Wukong was brushing the fur behind his ear gently. A look of mesmerization in his eyes.

“You never said anything to me about it.” Macaque was awestruck by Wukong’s honesty. Not use to this side of him.

Wukong chuckled, “You know, for all the crazy sh*t I did in my life. I was never more terrified than bringing up my feelings to you. I thought it’d be fine in the end. As long as I had you by my side, I was happy. Even if I wanted more, I could be okay. I should have talked to you about it, I know.”

Macaque took a chance, Wukong was being far braver than him at the moment. He could do this much to meet him halfway. Reaching a hand forward he entwined his fingers with Wukong’s gently.

That seemed to spur encouragement into Wukong. He looked down at their hands then back to Macaque and spoke, “I’m not wasting anymore time. I want you. More than anything as my partner, for as long as you’ll have me. Forever, preferably, might I add.” Wukong chuckled lightly.

Macaque’s eye brimmed with tears, knocking his head gently against Wukong’s shoulder laughing. “When did you get so good with words, you sap.”

Wukong pulled their hands up, kissing Macaque’s hand once, “I’m going to kiss you for each part of me that you have.” Wukong kissed his hand again, “A kiss for my heart that you hold in your hands.”

Reaching forward to place a kiss on his forehead, “A kiss for each time you occupy my mind and thoughts.

Wukong moved his clothing enough to show his upper shoulder and chest. Placing a kiss to his shoulder, “A kiss for my body that you may always have in return for giving me yours.”

Continuing his path, he reached down, placing a kiss on his neck, right where he could feel his pulse quicken, “A kiss for the life you gave me both in the past and to come in the future.

Shifting his head slightly to hover his lips over his beating heart that steadily grew faster, as though Wukong could hear the turmoil his was inflicting on his poor beating heart. Letting out a small, almost inaudible, “Wukong” before his tormentor kept going. With the barest smile Wukong kissed right on top of the steady drum of his heart, “A kiss for my soul, that I give to you in this lifetime and the next.”

Locking eyes with Macaque. Wukong moved back up to be at the same level as him. Wukong gently touched his lips simply taking in Macaque as he gazed down at him. Bending down, right as he almost gave them both what they were damn near craving he made sure to keep eye contact. With Macaque nodding giving Wukong full permission, in synchronous harmony they closed their eyes kissing for the first time. Wukong tasted of peaches, persimmon, a handful of other fruits he couldn’t be damned to name at this time, and sunlight. Whereas Macaque was that of mangoes, a fresh spring, and moonlight. A kiss that felt like they had done so their entire lives. It felt right. To be with each other in this moment. There were no others and would never be.

Macaque was sure Wukong would have gladly held on for far longer in their kiss, however he needed to breathe. Oxygen was much needed for him, even if his peached furred counterpart could do without.

Panting slightly, he broke apart. Wukong gave very little reprieve as he placed 6 rapid kisses in complete repetition to his lips. “Kisses for the love I have for you always. Entirely yours, unless you say otherwise. I am forever yours in this and every lifetime we share.”

Macaque swore he was light headed. Gazing lovingly at Wukong, kissing each of his cheeks as he began repeating back to Wukong what each kiss represented, “My heart, mind, body, life, soul, and my love. I give you mine in return, forever.”

A Joke Gone Awry - Mint_Love (2024)


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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

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Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.