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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide

Issue 01

Date 2014-05-28

Application Guide - Paoli - [PDF Document] (2)

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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide About This Document

Issue 01 (2014-05-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3

About This Document

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Date Chapter Description

01 2014-05-28 Creation

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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide Contents

Issue 01 (2014-05-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 4


1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 8

1.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 8

1.2 Conventions and Definitions ........................................................................................................ 8

1.2.1 Conventions ....................................................................................................................... 8

1.2.2 Definitions........................................................................................................................... 8

1.2.3 Legends ............................................................................................................................. 9

1.3 Basic AT Command Processing Principles ..................................................................................10

1.3.1 Ports ..................................................................................................................................10

1.3.2 AT Command Processing Mechanism ................................................................................10

1.3.3 Recommended Timeout Mechanism for AT Commands Processed by a Host ..................... 11

2 Basic Application Scenarios .................................................................................................. 13

2.1 Querying the IMEI ......................................................................................................................13

2.1.1 Reference Process ............................................................................................................13

2.1.2 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................14

2.2 Querying Additional Information ..................................................................................................14

2.2.1 Reference Process ............................................................................................................14

2.2.2 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................15

3 Airplane Mode Application Scenarios ................................................................................ 16

3.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................16

3.2 Setting the Flight Mode ..............................................................................................................16

3.2.1 Reference Process ............................................................................................................16

3.2.2 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................17

4 BodySAR Application Scenarios ......................................................................................... 18

4.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................18

4.2 Enabling/Disabling BodySAR .....................................................................................................18

4.2.1 Reference Process ............................................................................................................18

4.2.2 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................19

4.3 Adjusting the WCDMA Transmitted Power Using the BodySAR Feature .....................................19

4.3.1 Reference Process ............................................................................................................19

4.3.2 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................20

4.4 Adjusting the GSM Transmitted Power Using the BodySAR Feature ...........................................20

4.4.1 Reference Process ............................................................................................................20

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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide Contents

Issue 01 (2014-05-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 5

4.4.2 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................22

4.5 Adjusting the LTE Transmitted Power Using the BodySAR Feature .............................................22

4.5.1 Reference Process ............................................................................................................22

4.5.2 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................23

4.6 Usage Description Of BodySAR Feature ....................................................................................23

4.6.1 Reference Description .......................................................................................................23

4.6.2 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................24

4.7 Setting the BodySAR Type .........................................................................................................24

4.7.1 Reference Process ............................................................................................................24

4.7.2 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................24

5 Network Searching and Registration Application Scenarios........................................... 25

5.1 Searching and Registering Network............................................................................................25

5.1.1 Reference Process ............................................................................................................25

5.1.2 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................27

6 SMS Application Scenarios .................................................................................................. 28

6.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................28

6.2 Initializing SMS ..........................................................................................................................30

6.2.1 Reference Process ............................................................................................................30

6.2.2 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................34

6.3 Sending Short Messages ...........................................................................................................34

6.3.1 Reference Process ............................................................................................................34

6.3.2 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................36

6.4 Reading Short Messages ...........................................................................................................37

6.4.1 Reference Process ............................................................................................................37

6.4.2 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................39

6.5 Deleting Short Messages ...........................................................................................................39

6.5.1 Reference Process ............................................................................................................39

6.5.2 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................41

7 Phonebook Application Scenarios ....................................................................................... 42

7.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................42

7.2 Initializing the Phonebook ...........................................................................................................42

7.2.1 Reference Process ............................................................................................................42

7.2.2 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................43

7.3 Reading Phonebook Entries .......................................................................................................44

7.3.1 Reference Process ............................................................................................................44

7.3.2 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................45

7.4 Writing Phonebook Entries .........................................................................................................46

7.4.1 Reference Process ............................................................................................................46

7.4.2 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................47

8 Data Service Application Scenarios ..................................................................................... 49

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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide Contents

Issue 01 (2014-05-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6

8.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................49

8.2 Initializing Data Service Settings.................................................................................................50

8.2.1 Reference Process ............................................................................................................50

8.2.2 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................50

8.3 Attaching/Detaching PS ..............................................................................................................50

8.3.1 Reference Process ............................................................................................................50

8.3.2 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................51

8.4 Defining PDP Contexts ...............................................................................................................51

8.4.1 Reference Process ............................................................................................................51

8.4.2 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................52

8.5 Activate PDP Contexts and Enter Data Mode .............................................................................52

8.5.1 Reference Process ............................................................................................................52

8.5.2 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................53

9 Security Settings Application Scenarios ............................................................................. 54

9.1 Changing the SIM PIN ................................................................................................................54

9.1.1 Reference Process ............................................................................................................54

9.1.2 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................55

9.2 Changing the SIM Card Configuration ........................................................................................56

9.2.1 Reference Process ............................................................................................................56

9.2.2 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................57

10 SIM Card Application Scenarios ........................................................................................ 58

10.1 SIM Card Access ......................................................................................................................58

10.1.1 Reference Process ..........................................................................................................58

10.1.2 Troubleshooting ...............................................................................................................61

11 Module Powering Off and Resetting Application Scenarios ......................................... 62

11.1 Restarting the ME .....................................................................................................................62

11.1.1 Reference Process...........................................................................................................62

11.1.2 Troubleshooting ...............................................................................................................62

11.2 Powering Off the ME.................................................................................................................62

11.2.1 Reference Process...........................................................................................................62

11.2.2 Troubleshooting ...............................................................................................................63

12 DPTF Application Scenarios ............................................................................................... 64

12.1 Setting Thermal Sensor with the Threshold...............................................................................64

12.1.1 Reference Process ..........................................................................................................64

12.1.2 Troubleshooting ...............................................................................................................64

12.2 Querying the Current Temperature of a Thermal Sensor ...........................................................64

12.2.1 Reference Process ..........................................................................................................64

12.2.2 Troubleshooting ...............................................................................................................65

13 ACT Application Scenarios................................................................................................. 66

13.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................66

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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide Contents

Issue 01 (2014-05-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 7

13.2 Adaptive Clocking .....................................................................................................................66

13.2.1 Reference Process ..........................................................................................................66

13.2.2 Troubleshooting ...............................................................................................................67

14 GPS Application Scenarios ................................................................................................. 68

14.1 Introduction to GPS ..................................................................................................................68

14.1.1 GPS Positioning Methods ................................................................................................68

14.1.2 GPS Ports .......................................................................................................................70

14.2 Standalone Positioning .............................................................................................................71

14.3 MSB Positioning Using the User Plane Protocol .......................................................................72

14.4 MSA Positioning Using the User Plane Protocol .......................................................................73

14.5 GNSS Positioning ....................................................................................................................73

15 Appendix ............................................................................................................................... 75

15.1 Relative Documents .................................................................................................................75

15.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations ....................................................................................................75

Application Guide - Paoli - [PDF Document] (8)

HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide Introduction

Issue 01 (2014-05-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 8

1 Introduction

1.1 Overview

This document is intended to provide references for customers to choose appropriate command sequences to start using the ME936 module in a faster manner. This document also contains examples and relevant description.

This document will be updated based on customers' requirements.

This document is only applicable for Windows 7. For Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, please refer to the MBIM protocol.

1.2 Conventions and Definitions

1.2.1 Conventions

Convention Description

<…> Value range of AT command parameters

XXXX Personal identification number (PIN), Personal Unlock Key (PUK), or password

1.2.2 Definitions

Term Definition

Connected Indicates that a link has been set up between two modules or a module and a terminal.

Registered Indicates that the module is registered with a mobile network.

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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide Introduction

Issue 01 (2014-05-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 9

Term Definition

Module HUAWEI LTE module

1.2.3 Legends

Legend Description


Action: includes user input, reports from the module, unsolicited indications from the module, and communication between the module and the host.

Branch: determines the next step.

Comment: clarifies the scenario.


Dataflow: indicates the next step to which the service goes or the indication reported from an action.

Application Mobile equipment

GSM networkMobile Network


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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide Introduction

Issue 01 (2014-05-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 10

1.3 Basic AT Command Processing Principles

1.3.1 Ports

The ME936 provides three ports to interact with its host:

Network Card port: simulated using USB, for establishing data connection.

Port name: HUAWEI Mobile Connect - Network Card

PCUI port: simulated using USB, for AT command interaction only.

Port name: HUAWEI Mobile Connect - PCUI Interface

GPS port: simulated using USB, for reporting NMEA data.

Port name: HUAWEI Mobile Connect - GPS Interface

The ME936 also provides a port for debugging:

DIAG port: simulated using USB, for DIAG (diagnostic) command interaction (mainly used to debug modules at present).

Port name: HUAWEI Mobile Connect - Application Interface

A host controls a module using AT commands. If AT commands are unavailable, a module can be deemed as unavailable.

1.3.2 AT Command Processing Mechanism

A module processes AT commands from the ports (MODEM, PCUI, and GPS) in series. The AT commands can parallel processing. It means that an AT command can be processed when the previous AT command processing hasn't been completed.

The processing of an AT command starts when the AT command is entered from the TE, and ends when the UE (the module) returns all the results in response the command.

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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide Introduction

Issue 01 (2014-05-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 11

Figure 1-1 AT command processing sequence diagram


AT command 1

AT command 2

Return results of AT command 1

AT command 3

Process AT

command 2

Process AT

command 1

Process AT

command 3

Return results of AT command 3

Return results of AT command 2

1.3.3 Recommended Timeout Mechanism for AT Commands Processed by a Host

A module processes AT commands in series. Do not send another AT command before the result for the current command is returned or the current command times out (except when the current command is an interruptible AT command). The following table lists AT command timeout durations (starting from the time when an AT command arrives at a port).

Table 1-1 AT command timeout duration

AT Command Timeout Duration

General AT commands 10s

AT+CMGS (used to send PDU messages) 60s

AT+COPS=? (used to search for networks) 180s

After an AT command times out, it is recommended that the host check whether the module is functioning normally. The following procedure is provided for your reference:

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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide Introduction

Issue 01 (2014-05-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 12

1. The host sends the AT command to the module.

2. If the module returns failure information, go to step 5. Otherwise, go to step 3.

3. If the module returns success information, the module is functioning normally.

4. If the host times out (the host waits for a response for over 30 seconds) three times when waiting for the response from the module, go to step 5. Otherwise, go to step 1.

5. The host deems that the current module does not exist or is unavailable. Close the port, stop sending all AT commands, exit the procedure to determine whether the module is normal, and re-search for modules.

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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide Basic Application Scenarios

Issue 01 (2014-05-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 13

2 Basic Application Scenarios

2.1 Querying the IMEI

2.1.1 Reference Process

Command Description

AT+GSN/AT+CGSN Queries the IMEI.



For example: 350050500005492

Figure 2-1 Querying the IMEI

Application Guide - Paoli - [PDF Document] (14)

HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide Basic Application Scenarios

Issue 01 (2014-05-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 14

2.1.2 Troubleshooting

Scenario Possible Error Information


AT+GSN/AT+CGSN +CME ERROR: memory failure

This error occurs when a module's IMEI is not specified. This problem is solved after the IMEI is written into the module.

2.2 Querying Additional Information

2.2.1 Reference Process

Command Description

ATI Queries the product information.

Product information


For example:

Manufacturer: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Model: ME936

Revision: 11.350.16.00.00

IMEI: 350050500005492


AT+GMR/AT+CGMR Queries software version.

Software version


Software version. e.g. 11.350.16.00.00

AT+GMI/AT+CGMI Queries manufacturer information.

Manufacturer identification


Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

AT+GMM/AT+CGMM Queries model name.

Model identification



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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide Basic Application Scenarios

Issue 01 (2014-05-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 15

2.2.2 Troubleshooting


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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide Airplane Mode Application Scenarios

Issue 01 (2014-05-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 16

3 Airplane Mode Application Scenarios

3.1 Overview

Modules are usually embedded into equipments such as personal computers. The airplane mode provided by the modules can be enabled or disabled as required. When the equipment into which the module is embedded is in airplane mode, the radio frequency (RF) of the module is disabled, and other functions of the equipment are still available.

3.2 Setting the Flight Mode

3.2.1 Reference Process

Command Description

AT^RFSWITCH=1 Sets the software-controlled RF switch to on.


AT^RFSWITCH? Queries the states of the software and hardware controlled RF switches.



Indicates the software switch is on, and the hardware switch is on.

AT^RFSWITCH=0: sets the software-controlled RF switch to off.

AT^RFSWITCH=1: sets the software-controlled RF switch to on.

The value set by AT^RFSWITCH command is saved upon power-off. So the settings will be used as the initial settings next time the module is powered on.

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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide Airplane Mode Application Scenarios

Issue 01 (2014-05-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 17

The radio state of WWAN can be controlled by the software-controlled and hardware-controlled RF switches. To check the states of the software-controlled and hardware-controlled RF switches, run AT^RFSWITCH?.

The radio state of WWAN is controlled in the following manner:

The radio of the module will be disabled when either the software-controlled or hardware-controlled RF switch is off.

The radio of the module will be enabled only when both the software-controlled and hardware-controlled RF switches are on.

3.2.2 Troubleshooting


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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide BodySAR Application Scenarios

Issue 01 (2014-05-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 18

4 BodySAR Application Scenarios

4.1 Overview

Specific absorption rate (SAR) is a measure of the rate at which energy is absorbed by the body when exposed to an RF electromagnetic field. It is commonly used to measure power absorbed from mobile phones. The greater the SAR value, the greater the radiation effect on humans.

For user equipment (UE) such as modules, their SAR value increases as their transmitted power increases.

At present, most vendors' tablets have passed SAR tests. Generally, these products have embedded proximity sensors. When the sensors detect that a human is in the proximity of or in contact with the UE, they will notify the UE so that the UE will reduce the transmitted power. When the human is no longer in the proximity of or in contact with the UE, the sensors also notify the UE so that the UE will restore the transmitted power.

4.2 Enabling/Disabling BodySAR

4.2.1 Reference Process

Command Description

AT^BODYSARON=1 Enables the BodySAR feature.


AT^BODYSARON=0 Disables the BodySAR feature.


If the BodySAR feature is enabled, the maximum transmitted power can be adjusted. If the BodySAR feature is disabled, the system's default maximum transmitted power is used.

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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide BodySAR Application Scenarios

Issue 01 (2014-05-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 19

4.2.2 Troubleshooting

Scenario Possible Error Information







It means HW pin enabled BodySAR function.

4.3 Adjusting the WCDMA Transmitted Power Using the BodySAR Feature

4.3.1 Reference Process

Command Description


Sets the maximum WCDMA transmitted power threshold. Indicates that set the maximum WCDMA I Tx power limit to 20 and the maximum WCDMA II, WCDMA IV, WCDMA V and WCDMA VIII Tx power limit to 18.


The WCDMA transmitted power is controlled by setting the maximum transmitted power threshold. Affected by PDM and other factors, the test result may have an error of ±2 dB.

The command and parameters of AT^BODYSARWCDMA depend on the product.

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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide BodySAR Application Scenarios

Issue 01 (2014-05-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 20

Figure 4-1 Adjusting the WCDMA transmitted power

4.3.2 Troubleshooting


4.4 Adjusting the GSM Transmitted Power Using the BodySAR Feature

4.4.1 Reference Process

Command Description


Sets the maximum GSM transmitted power thresholds. Indicates that set the maximum GSM 850 GPRS Tx power limit to 28 and the maximum GSM 1800 GPRS Tx power limit to 25.


The AT^BODYSARGSM set command sets the maximum Tx power limit of GSM,

GPRS and EGPRS for each band in single time-slot. When the module changes into

User inputs


Save the parameters.

Is the BodySAR

fearure enabled?

Adjust the maximum WCDMA

transmitted power to be less than the

specified value.




Adjust the WCDMA transmitted power

using the BodySAR feature

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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide BodySAR Application Scenarios

Issue 01 (2014-05-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 21

multi-slot configuration, the maximum Tx power limit of each time-slot will be reduced. The power reduction in multi-slot configuration is as follow:

Number of timeslots in uplink assignment

Reduction of maximum Tx power (dB)

1 0

2 3

3 5

4 6

5 7

6 8

7 8.5

8 9

The transmitted power for each band of GSM GPRS and EGPRS (GSM 850, GSM 900, GSM 1800, and GSM 1900) is controlled by setting the maximum transmitted power thresholds. Affected by PDM and other factors, the test result may have an error of ±2 dB.

The command and parameters of AT^BODYSARGSM depend on the product.

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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide BodySAR Application Scenarios

Issue 01 (2014-05-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 22

Figure 4-2 Adjust the GSM transmitted power

4.4.2 Troubleshooting


4.5 Adjusting the LTE Transmitted Power Using the BodySAR Feature

4.5.1 Reference Process

Command Description

AT^BODYSARLTE=20 Sets the maximum LTE transmitted power threshold. Indicates that set the maximum LTE Tx power limit of bands supported by firmware to 20.


The LTE transmitted power is controlled by setting the maximum transmitted power threshold. Affected by PDM and other factors, the test result may have an error of ±2 dB.

User inputs


Save the parameters.

Is the BodySAR

fearure enabled?

Adjust the maximum GSM

transmitted power to be less than the

specified value.




Adjust the GSM transmitted power

using the BodySAR feature

Application Guide - Paoli - [PDF Document] (23)

HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide BodySAR Application Scenarios

Issue 01 (2014-05-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 23

The command and parameters of AT^BODYSARLTE depend on the product.

Figure 4-3 Adjusting the LTE transmitted power

4.5.2 Troubleshooting


4.6 Usage Description Of BodySAR Feature

4.6.1 Reference Description

After a module is powered on, the default BodySAR function status is disabled, and the default power control function in the system is used.

The maximum transmitting power parameters take effect in real time only when the following requirements are met:

The AT^BODYSARWCDMA, AT^BODYSARGSM and AT^BODYSARLTE command are used to set the maximum transmitting power parameters successfully.

The AT^BODYSARON=1 command is used to enable the BodySAR function.

When the maximum transmitting power parameters are not set or the BodySAR function is disabled, the default power control function in the system is used.

User inputs


Save the parameters.

Is the BodySAR

fearure enabled?

Adjust the maximum LTE

transmitted power to be less than the

specified value.




Adjust the LTE transmitted power

using the BodySAR feature

Application Guide - Paoli - [PDF Document] (24)

HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide BodySAR Application Scenarios

Issue 01 (2014-05-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 24

After the maximum transmitting power parameters are set, the AT^BODYSARON=0

command can be used to disable the BodySAR function. Then the default maximum transmitting power is resumed. If the AT^BODYSARON=1 command is used to enable the BodySAR function again, the maximum transmitting power parameters that have been set take effect in real time.

The maximum transmitting power parameters are saved in flash. As a contrast, the current BodySAR function status is not saved. That means if the module restarts, the values of the maximum transmitting power parameters are the same with which before restarting, but the BodySAR function status is disabled.

4.6.2 Troubleshooting


4.7 Setting the BodySAR Type

4.7.1 Reference Process

Command Description

AT^BODYSARCFG=0 Sets to OFF state. Indicates the BodySAR function is disabled.


AT^BODYSARCFG=1 Sets to ON state. Indicates the bodySAR function is enabled. (default value)


AT^BODYSARCFG=2 AUTO state. If the PLMN number of inserted SIM card is in the BodySAR PLMN list configured in the module, the BodySAR function is enabled. Otherwise, the BodySAR function is disabled.


Only when the BodySAR function is enabled, AT^BODYSARON command can be used.

4.7.2 Troubleshooting


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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide

Network Searching and Registration Application


Issue 01 (2014-05-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 25

5 Network Searching and Registration Application Scenarios

5.1 Searching and Registering Network

5.1.1 Reference Process

Command Description

AT+COPS=0 Enables automatic search for networks.


AT+COPS=1,2,"46000" Manual search for the appointed network.


AT+COPS=? Searches for all networks, and returns the networks.


AT+CREG=2 Enables the unsolicited indication when network registration state changes.



Sets the system mode, network access order, frequency band, roaming support, domain, and other features.


AT^SYSINFOEX Queries the system service state, domain, roaming status, and system mode.

^SYSINFOEX: 2,3,0,1,,1,"GSM",3,"EDGE"


AT^HCSQ? Queries the signal quality.


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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide

Network Searching and Registration Application


Issue 01 (2014-05-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 26

Command Description



Figure 5-1 Automatic search for networks

Automatic search for networks


Enable automatic

search for networks.



Return OK

The unsolication command

^SRVST indication for

the change of network state.

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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide

Network Searching and Registration Application


Issue 01 (2014-05-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 27

Figure 5-2 Manual search for networks

The application scenario is applicable for 3GPP (GSM/WCDMA/LTE), and UE is not in data service state.

5.1.2 Troubleshooting

Scenario Possible Error Information



No SIM card is detected. Insert a SIM card.


No SIM card is detected. Insert a SIM card.

Manual search for networks


Enable automatic

search for networks.


Display the

networks found.

Select and register with a network.



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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide SMS Application Scenarios

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6 SMS Application Scenarios

6.1 Overview

Short Message Service (SMS) is a text messaging service using a service center (SC) to transfer short text messages between GSM MEs and Short Message Entities (SMEs). ME936 only supports protocol data unit (PDU) mode message.

A message must contain the following information before it is sent:

For a PDU mode message:

Length of TPDU package

Message content: To compose or send a PDU mode message, the message must contain all the message attributes and be encoded in PDU format. A PDU consists of the following:

− Service Center Address (SCA): composed of the address length, SCA type and SCA reverse byte.

− First octet: contains the message type indicator, TP-RP, TP-UDHI, TP-SRR, TP-VPF, TP-RD, and TP-MTI.

− Short text message statement.

− Destination address: consisting of the destination address, address length and destination address type.

− Protocol identifier.

− Data encoding scheme.

− Validity duration.

− Data length.

− User data: consisting of the user data header and the data encoded in PDU format.

Figure 6-1 shows an example of data encoded in PDU format of submitted type.

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Figure 6-1 Example of data encoded in PDU format of submitted type

Figure 6-2 shows the general SMS process.

Figure 6-2 General SMS process



SMS initialization

Delete short


Write short



short messages

Read short


Send short

messagesStatus report


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6.2 Initializing SMS

6.2.1 Reference Process

Command Description

AT+CSCA? Queries the SMSC address.

+CSCA: "13800688509",129



Sets the SMSC address to the SMSC number of China Mobile's Shenzhen Branch.


AT+CSMS? Queries the short message service type.

+CSMS: 0,1,1,1


AT+CNMI? Queries the configuration of the new message indications to TE.

+CNMI: 0,0,0,0,0


AT+CNMI=2,1,2,2,0 Configures the new message indications to TE.


AT+CPMS? Queries the preferred short message storage.

+CPMS: "SM",12,20,"SM",12,20,"SM",12,20


AT+CPMS="SM" Sets SM as short message storage medium.


AT+CGSMS? Queries the MO SMS bearer domain.



AT+CMGF? Queries the short message format.

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Command Description

+CMGF: 0


AT+CMGF=0 Sets the short message format to PDU.


Use the AT+CMGF command to set short message format: AT+CMGF=0 sets the short message format to PDU.

The SMSC address provided by the service provider must be specified. In PDU mode, the SMSC address is contained in the PDU packets. Therefore, in PDU mode, the AT+CSCA command is optional.

To use the SMS features specified in the GSM 07.05 Phase 2+, the AT+CSMS command must be used to enable the features.

Use the AT+CNMI command to set the unsolicited indications.

Use the AT+CPMS command to select the preferred short message storage (SIM or ME). The ME936 supports only the SM (SIM card) storage.

Use the AT+CGSMS command to select the MO SMS bearer domain (PS or CS domain). For ME936, the CS domain is the preferred MO bearer domain.

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Figure 6-3 SMS initialization process – part 1

SMS initialization


Query the SMSCaddress.

Set the SMSC address to the SMSC

number of China Mobile's

Shenzhen Branch.

Set the message

service type.

Require the message

service type.



+CSCA: "",129


+CSMS: 0,1,1,1





+CSMS: 1,1,1


Example: SMSC

address is not specified.

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Figure 6-4 SMS initialization process – part 2

Query the unsolicited

indication state.

Enable the notification

of new messages.

Default values

Query the preferred storage

for the current message.




+CNMI: 0,0,0,0,0







+CPMS: "SM",13,20,"SM",13,20,"SM",13,20




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Figure 6-5 SMS initialization process – part 3

6.2.2 Troubleshooting

Scenario Possible Error Information


Error information is returned in response to one of the previous commands.

+CME ERROR: SIM PIN required

Enter the correct PIN.


SIM card initialization has not completed. Try again later.

6.3 Sending Short Messages

6.3.1 Reference Process

Command Description

AT+CMGF=0 Sets the short message format to PDU.


AT+CSCA? Queries the SMSC address.

+CSCA: "13800688509",129







+CMGF: 0


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Command Description



Sends a PDU message without the service center address. The value of SMSC address is the setting of AT+CSCA command.

+CMGS: 168


The message is successfully sent.



Sends a PDU message with the correct service center address.

+CMGS: 169


The message is successfully sent.



Sends a PDU message with the wrong service center address.

+CMS ERROR: Network out of order

The message is unsuccessfully sent.

Messages in PDU format must be converted using external tools or users' software. Tools for encoding and parsing messages in PDU format are available on the Internet.

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Figure 6-6 Sending short messages in PDU format

6.3.2 Troubleshooting

Scenario Possible Error Information


Error information is returned in response to one of the previous commands.

+CMS ERROR: Network out of order

Check the validity of the service center address or the state of the current network.

Sending messages in PDU format


Send a short message

(given that the PDU length is 18)SMS initialization

PDU message

without SCA

Press <ctrl-Z> to send

the command.

Press <ESC> to cancel

the command

Example: Message

not sentMessage sent





Network out of









+CMGS: 1


Message sent


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6.4 Reading Short Messages

6.4.1 Reference Process

Command Description

AT+CMGL=0 Lists all received unread messages.

+CMGL: 2,0,,48


+CMGL: 4,0,,64



The format of short messages can refer to the AT+CMGL command.

AT+CMGR=4 Reads the message stored in the message storage location 4.

+CMGR: 1,,64



The format of short messages can refer to the AT+CMGR command.

There are two methods to read short messages:

Method 1: Use the AT+CMGL command to list the messages that are in specified state and stored in the preferred message storage. The following table describes the message states. If the message sate is received unread messages, the REC UNREAD state will be changed to REC READ after the AT+CMGL command is executed.

Message State PDU Mode

Received unread messages 0

Received read messages 1

Stored unsent messages 2

Stored sent messages 3

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Message State PDU Mode

All messages 4

Method 2: Use the AT+CMGR command to read a message from a specified

storage location in the message storage. If the message is a received unread message, its state will be changed to REC READ after it is read using the AT+CMGR command.

You can use the AT+CMGL command to list all short messages so that you can view

the messages' storage locations.

Figure 6-7 Reading short messages

Reading short messages


List received unread

messages in PDU format

+CMGL: <index1>,0,,<length>

<pdu> (messages in PDU format)


+CMGL: <indexn>,0,,<length>

<pdu> (messages in PDU format)


PDU format

+CMGR: n,,<length>

<pdu> (messages in PDU format)





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6.4.2 Troubleshooting

Scenario Possible Error Information


Error information is returned in response to one of the previous commands.

+CMS ERROR: invalid memory index

Check the validity of the index.

6.5 Deleting Short Messages

6.5.1 Reference Process

Command Description

AT+CMGF=0 Sets the message format to PDU mode.


AT+CMGL=4 Lists all short messages (PDU mode).

+CMGL: 6,2,,30


+CMGL: 11,1,,36



AT+CMGD=1 Deletes the message stored in storage location 1.


Either all messages stored in the preferred message storage or a message stored in the specified storage location in the preferred message storage can be deleted.

All read or unread messages that have been received can be deleted.

If no messages are stored in the preferred message storage, "OK" is returned when the action to delete messages is completed.

Meanings of the DelFlag value:

− 1: Delete all read messages in the preferred message storage, and keep the unread, sent and unsent messages.

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− 2: Delete all read and sent messages in the preferred message storage, and keep the unread and unsent messages.

− 3: Delete all read, sent, and unsent messages in the preferred message storage, and keep the unread messages.

− 4: Delete all messages in the preferred message storage, including the unread messages.

Figure 6-8 Deleting short message

Deleting short messages


SMS has been initialized.Example: Lists all short

messages in PDU format.

Delete the message

stored in

location n in the preferred


Equivalent to









+CMGL: 1,<parameters>


+CMGL: 2,<parameters>



invalid memoryindex


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6.5.2 Troubleshooting

Scenario Possible Error Information


Error information is returned in response to one of the previous commands.

+CMS ERROR: invalid memory index

Check the validity of the index.

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7 Phonebook Application Scenarios

7.1 Overview

As a product embedded into a host, the phonebook scenarios include that read, write, query and delete the phonebook entries in the SIM card.

Read phonebook: use the AT+CPBR command to read phonebook entries.

Write phonebook: use the AT+CPBW command to save the phonebook entries into

the SIM card.

Delete phonebook: use AT+CPBW command to delete the phonebook entries in the SIM card.

7.2 Initializing the Phonebook

7.2.1 Reference Process

Command Description

AT+CPBS? Queries the current phonebook storage.

+CPBS: "SM",0,250


AT+CPBS="SM" Selects SM as the storage type.


Note that the AT commands for reading and writing phonebook entries can be used only after the phonebook storage is selected. To select a phonebook storage, use the AT+CPBS command.

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Figure 7-1 Initializing the phonebook

7.2.2 Troubleshooting

Scenario Possible Error Information


Error information is returned in response to one of the previous commands.


Phonebook initialization has not completed. Try again later.

+CME ERROR: SIM PIN required

Enter the correct PIN.

+CME ERROR: SIM PUK required

Enter the correct PUK.

Initializing the phonebook

StartQuery the available

storage types for the phonebook.

Query the current phonebook storage.

Select SM as the storage type




+CPBS: "ON",0,0




+CPBS: ("SM", "EN","ON")


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7.3 Reading Phonebook Entries

7.3.1 Reference Process

Command Description

AT+CPBS? Queries the phonebook storage selection and the maximum number of entries that can be stored.

+CPBS: "SM",9,20


AT+CPBR=1,20 Lists all phonebook entries by their indexes.

+CPBR: 1,"+491765864491",145,"John Smith"

+CPBR: 2,"+44545896638",145,"Paul Williams"

+CPBR: 3,"+44556565657",145,"Joe Anderson"

+CPBR: 4,"+445636934485",145,"Oscar Thomso”

+CPBR: 5,"+445565656899",145,"Hannah Adams"

+CPBR: 6,"+447982865563",145,"Samantha Young"

+CPBR: 7,"+449585315798",145,"Alexis Wright"

+CPBR: 8,"+445415454646",145,"Abigail Cox"

+CPBR: 12,"+446565689115",145,"Kyla Clark"


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Figure 7-2 Reading phonebook entries

7.3.2 Troubleshooting

Scenario Possible Error Information


Error information is returned in response to one of the previous commands.


Phonebook initialization has not completed. Try again later.

+CME ERROR: SIM PIN required

Enter the correct PIN.

+CME ERROR: SIM PUK required

Enter the correct PUK.

AT+CPBR=<index1> +CME ERROR: invalid index

The index is invalid. Check that index 1 is within the supported range.

Reading phonebook entries


Query the current phonebook storage type.

Initialize the


FD phonebook can store

up to 10 entries; currently 3

entries are stored.

Correct response

Lists all phonebook entries from location x to location y.

The ending location is greater

than the greatest phonebook entry index.


+CPBS: "SM",4,250


+CPBS: "ON",1,4




invalid index

+CPBR: 1,"+491765864491",145,"John Smith"

+CPBR: 2,"+445564854245",145,"Ashley Jones"



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Scenario Possible Error Information



+CME ERROR: invalid index

The index is invalid. Check that index 1 and index 2 are within the supported range and that index 1 is not greater than index 2.

AT+CPBR=<index1> +CME ERROR: not found

No entries are found in the storage locations in index 1. Check that there have been entries successfully written into these locations.


+CME ERROR: not found

No entries are found in the storage locations between index 1 and index 2. Check that there have been entries successfully written into these locations.

7.4 Writing Phonebook Entries

7.4.1 Reference Process

Command Description

AT+CPBR=? Queries the ranges of parameters related to the phonebook entries.

+CPBR: (1-250),80,14



Writes a phonebook record.


AT+CPBW=1 Deletes the entry in index 1 in the phonebook.


There are two methods to edit phonebook entries using the AT+CPBW command:

Write an entry to a specified location. This method edits the location where a phonebook entry exists or writes a new entry to a vacant location.

Write a new phonebook entry to the next location of a location that already has a phonebook entry. This method does not require a specified storage location. The

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AT+CPBW command can be used to edit phonebook entries of the "SM" or "ON" type.

Figure 7-3 Writing phonebook entries

7.4.2 Troubleshooting

Scenario Possible Error Information


Error information is returned in response to one of the previous


Phonebook initialization has not completed. Try again later.

Writing phonebook entries



+CPBR: (1-250),20,16


+CPBR: 1,"+491765864491",145,"John Smith"

+CPBR: 3,"+441236548545",145,"Emily Miller"

Query the ranges of

parameters related

to the phonebook


Parameter ranges

Read all phonebook entries.

Read all the returned results.

Write phonebook



4568",145,"Paul Williams"



memory full


invalid index


4568",145,"Paul Williams"

Write a phonebook

entry to a vacant location.

Write a phonebook entry

to a specified location.

Note: If an entry already

exists in the location,

the entry will be overwritten.



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Scenario Possible Error Information


commands. +CME ERROR: SIM PIN required

Enter the correct PIN.

+CME ERROR: SIM PUK required

Enter the correct PUK.

Error information is returned when writing an entry into the phonebook.

+CME ERROR: dial string too long

Check that the phone number is not too long.

Error information is returned in response to one of the previous commands.

+CME ERROR: invalid index

Check that the location index and phone number type are valid.

Error information is returned when writing an entry into the phonebook.

+CME ERROR: invalid characters in dial string

The phone number to be written into the phonebook contains invalid characters. Delete the invalid characters and try again.


+CME ERROR: memory full

The storage is full. Delete some entries and try again.

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8 Data Service Application Scenarios

8.1 Overview

Figure 8-1 General data service process

The procedure for starting data service is as follows:

1. Initialize data service settings.

2. Attach PS.

3. Define packet data protocol (PDP) contexts.

4. Activate PDP contexts and enter data mode.

General data service process

Start End


Define PDP contexts.

Activate PDP contexts. Enter data mode. Deactivate PDP contexts.

Attach PS Deattach

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General data service process is shown as Figure 8-1 . To quit data mode, deactivate PDP contexts, and then detach. For details about the processes of the steps in the previous procedure, see the following sections.

8.2 Initializing Data Service Settings

8.2.1 Reference Process

Command Description

AT+CGREG? Queries the network registration state.

+CGREG: 0,0


AT+CGREG=1 Enables the network registration state URC.


8.2.2 Troubleshooting

Scenario Possible Error Information



+CGREG: 0,0


The PS domain has not attached.

Run AT+CGATT=1 to

manually attach to the PS domain.

8.3 Attaching/Detaching PS

8.3.1 Reference Process

Command Description

AT+CGATT=1 Attaches PS.


AT+CGATT? Queries the attach state.

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Command Description



AT+CGATT=0 Detaches PS.


If PS has been attached or detached, the attached or detached command will be ignored, and "OK" will be returned.

If the ME detaches PS, all activated PDP contexts will be automatically deactivated.

8.3.2 Troubleshooting

Scenario Possible Error Information





The PS domain has not attached.

Run AT+CGATT=1 to

manually attach to the PS domain.

8.4 Defining PDP Contexts

8.4.1 Reference Process

Command Description

AT+CGDCONT? Queries the defined PDP contexts.

+CGDCONT: 20,"IPV4V6","","",0,0



Defines a new PDP context.


AT+CGDCONT? Queries the defined PDP context.

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Command Description

+CGDCONT: 1,"IP","1234","",0,0


AT+CGDCONT=1 Deletes the PDP context with <cid>=1.


AT+CGDCONT? Queries the defined PDP contexts.


The AT+CGDCONT command is used to define the context ID and specify the PDP

type and access point name (APN). Each PDP context has a context ID (specified by the <cid> parameter of the AT+CGDCONT command), which is a sequence number starting from 1.

The PDP type describes the protocol between the ME and the network, and the APN specifies the gateway between the mobile network and the Internet.

The range of <cid> supported by ME936 module is the integer from 1 to 20.

Send AT+CGDCONT=<cid>, PDP context returns not defined status.

8.4.2 Troubleshooting


8.5 Activate PDP Contexts and Enter Data Mode

8.5.1 Reference Process

Please refer to WWAN UI of related operating system.

For example, on Windows 7 operating system, users can click Connect in WWAN UI to enter data mode.

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Figure 8-2 WWAN UI

8.5.2 Troubleshooting


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9 Security Settings Application Scenarios

9.1 Changing the SIM PIN

9.1.1 Reference Process

Command Description


Changes the PIN. Current PIN=9999; new PIN=1234.



Enters an incorrect PIN (first attempt).

+CME ERROR: incorrect password


Enters an incorrect PIN (second attempt).

+CME ERROR: incorrect password


Enters an incorrect PIN (third attempt).

+CME ERROR: SIM PUK required

AT+CPIN? Checks whether the password is requested.




Enters the SIM PUK and specify the new SIM PIN (activate new "SC" lock).


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The AT+CPWD command can be used to change a SIM card's PIN. When the SIM

card is PIN protected, the correct PIN must be entered to unblock SIM card. If incorrect PINs are entered three consecutive times, the PUK is required to unblock the SIM.

Figure 9-1 Changing the PIN

9.1.2 Troubleshooting

Scenario Possible Error Information



+CME ERROR: incorrect password

<oldpwd> must be the current PIN. Like the PIN authentication, if incorrect PINs are entered three times, the PUK will be required. If incorrect PUKs are entered 10 times, the SIM card will be permanently blocked.

Changing the PIN



Check the PIN.

Change the PIN.

Incorrect input








incorrect password


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9.2 Changing the SIM Card Configuration

9.2.1 Reference Process

Command Description

AT+CPIN? Requests the PIN state.



AT+CLCK="SC",2 Requests the SIM card state.

+CLCK: 0


"+CLCK: 0" means that the SIM card is not blocked.

AT+CLCK="SC",1,"5555" Uses an incorrect PIN to change the SIM card lock.

+CME ERROR: incorrect password

AT+CLCK="SC",1,"0000" Enables the SIM card lock.


AT+CLCK="SC",2 Requests the SIM card state.

+CLCK: 1


"+CLCK: 1" means that the SIM card is blocked.

AT+CLCK="SC",0,"0000" Disables the SIM card lock.


AT+CLCK="SC",2 Requests the SIM card state.

+CLCK: 0


"+CLCK: 0" means that the SIM card is not blocked.

AT+CLCK="SC",1,"0000" Enables the SIM card lock.


If the SIM card is blocked, the PIN code (that is, the PIN) is requested when the module is started. To enable the SIM card lock, the PIN is requested. A maximum of three attempts to enter the PIN is allowed. The AT+CLCK="SC",<mode>,<PIN> command can be used to block or unblock the SIM card. When <mode>=1, the SIM card will be blocked. When <mode>=0, the SIM card will be unblocked. Before enabling the SIM card lock, it is recommended that the AT+CPIN? command be used to check the current state of the SIM card lock. If "+CPIN: SIM PUK" is returned, the correct PUK must be entered to change the SIM card settings.

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Figure 9-2 Changing the SIM card configuration

9.2.2 Troubleshooting

Scenario Possible Error Information



+CME ERROR: operation not allowed

If PIN authentication has been enabled, it cannot be enabled again. Check whether PIN authentication has been enabled.

Changing the SIM card configuration







+CLCK: 0


+CLCK: 0




incorrect password


+CLCK: 1



Request the PIN state.

Request the SIM

card lock state.

Block the

SIM card.Unblock the

SIM card.

Incorrect inputEnd

+CLCK: 1


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10 SIM Card Application Scenarios

10.1 SIM Card Access

10.1.1 Reference Process

Command Description

AT+CRSM=192,28483 Obtains response from the EF.

+CRSM: 144,0,000000026F43040011F05501020000


AT+CRSM=176,12258,0,0,10 Reads binary data from the EF.

+CRSM: 144,0,980000000000000000F3


AT+CRSM=178,28484,1,4,255 Reads records from the EF (incorrect input).

+CRSM: 103,28


The first parameter <sw1>='103'. '103' is a decimal number corresponding to hexadecimal number '67', which indicates "illegal parameter <P3>". The second parameter <sw2>='xx', which indicates the correct length (28 in the example) or indicates that no information is provided.

AT+CRSM=178,28484,1,4,28 Reads the record of the last dialed number from the EF.

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Application Guide SIM Card Application Scenarios

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 59

Command Description




The operations to access the SIM card depend on the value of <command>, as described in Table 10-1 .

Table 10-1 Values of <command>

Value Read Binary Command Function

176 READ BINARY Read binary strings from the current data domain.

178 READ RECORD Read complete linear fixed or cyclic data domain consisting of CURRENT, ABSOLUTE, NEXT, and PREVIOUS.

192 GET RESPONSE Return the basic information about the current data domain, including the file type and size.

214 UPDATE BINARY Update the current data domain.

220 UPDATE RECORD Update all the records in the linear fixed or cyclic data domain. There are four update modes: CURRENT, ABSOLUTE, NEXT, and PREVIOUS, of which only the PREVIOUS mode can be used for cyclic files.

242 STATUS Return the status information about the current data domain.

The following table describes the components of the data returned in response to the READ RECORD command.

Byte Description Length

1 to X Alpha identifier X byte(s)

X+1 BCD code length; number/SSC content

1 byte

X+2 TON and NPI 1 byte

X+3 to X+12 Dialed number/SSC string 10 bytes

X+13 Capacity/configuration identifier 1 byte

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Byte Description Length

X+14 Extension1 record identifier 1 byte

Figure 10-1 Reading record response values

Figure 10-2 Obtaining response

Alpha identifierDialed number/SSC string


BCD code length,


/SSC content TON and NPI




record identifier 1

Obtaining response



+CRSM: 144,0,000000026



Request EF

response: (SMS status)

Command ended

normally: 144, 0,...


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Figure 10-3 Reading binary

10.1.2 Troubleshooting

Scenario Possible Error Information


Error information is returned in response to one of the previous commands.

+CME ERROR: SIM not inserted


+CME ERROR: memory failure

Insert a SIM card.

Reading binary



+CRSM: 144,0,980000



Read binary of "ICC identification"

from the EF.

Return 144,0,....Command

ended normally.


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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide

Module Powering Off and Resetting Application


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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 62

11 Module Powering Off and Resetting Application Scenarios

11.1 Restarting the ME

11.1.1 Reference Process

Command Description

AT+CFUN=1,1 Restarts the module.


The ME can be reset or restarted using the AT+CFUN command. After the restart,

the module must register with the network and authenticate its SIM card's PIN.

11.1.2 Troubleshooting


11.2 Powering Off the ME

11.2.1 Reference Process

Command Description

AT^MSO Powers off the module.


After the command is received, the module will only do the preparative work of power-off such as deregister. The host should cut off the power in order to finish the power-off operation.

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11.2.2 Troubleshooting


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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide DPTF Application Scenarios

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 64

12 DPTF Application Scenarios

12.1 Setting Thermal Sensor with the Threshold

12.1.1 Reference Process

Command Description


Sets thermal sensor with the threshold. Indicates that set the RF sensor 0 (only support 0) Alarm ID 1,threshold is 80000-20000=60000 MilliDegC, Hysteresis is 3000 MilliDegC, and the Sampling Period is 1000 ms.


The DPTF feature is used for host to monitor module temperature environment by Thermal Sensor. Host can set several groups threshold to module, and module will unsolicited response to host when module temperature exceed the threshold that host configures.

12.1.2 Troubleshooting


12.2 Querying the Current Temperature of a Thermal Sensor

12.2.1 Reference Process

Command Description

AT+XTAMR=0 Queries the temperature of thermal sensor.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 65

Command Description

+XTAMR: 0,40000


Indicates that the current temperature of RF sensor is 40°C.

12.2.2 Troubleshooting


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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide ACT Application Scenarios

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 66

13 ACT Application Scenarios

13.1 Overview

The ACT (Adaptive Clocking Tuning) feature indicates that the host tunes the clock frequency of components (such as display) which may interfere the WWAN (Wireless Wide Area Network) radio of the module, according to the current frequency information of the module. It can reduce the impact on the WWAN, and improve the performance of OTA (Over The Air).

13.2 Adaptive Clocking

13.2.1 Reference Process

Command Description



AT+XADPCLKFREQINFO? Queries the status of enabling/disabling the ACT feature.



AT+XADPCLKFREQINFO=? Queries Frequency information.

+XADPCLKFREQINFO: 2147600000,5000000,0


The ACT feature is disabled when powered on. It can be enabled by using AT+XADPCLKFREQINFO=1.

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After enabling the ACT feature, the AT command AT+XADPCLKFREQINFO=? can

be used to query the frequency information. If the ACT feature is not enabled, this command will return ERROR.

When the frequency information has been changed, the unsolicited command +XADPCLKFREQINFO will unsolicited present the frequency information.

13.2.2 Troubleshooting

Scenario Possible Error Information




Query current frequency information returns error.

Run AT+XADPCLKFREQINFO=1 to enable ACT feature.

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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide GPS Application Scenarios

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14 GPS Application Scenarios

14.1 Introduction to GPS

14.1.1 GPS Positioning Methods

Table 14-1 GPS positioning methods

Positioning methods

Description Benefits Drawbacks

Standalone This is a traditional GPS positioning method. Using this method, a module receives satellite signals directly and makes calculations to obtain positioning results.

No communication with the network is invoked, incurring no data traffic between the module and the network.

Long time to first fix (TTFF) in code mode.

Mobile Station Based (MSB) positioning using the User Plane Protocol

Requests the assistant data from the network to assist and accelerate the positioning. This method is one of the Assisted GPS (A-GPS) methods.

Significantly reduces the TTFF after cold start and increases the rate of successful positioning.

Enables positioning in environments with very poor satellite signals.

Requires the assistant data from the network, incurring network traffic.

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Positioning methods

Description Benefits Drawbacks

Mobile Station Assisted (MSA) using the User Plane Protocol

Requests data from the network to assist and accelerate the positioning. After receiving satellite data, the module sends the satellite data to the network for calculations, and the network returns the calculation results to the module. This method is one of the A-GPS methods.

Reduces the TTFF after cold start and increases the rate of successful positioning.

Hands most workload to the network, reducing the module's workload.

Enables positioning in environments with poor satellite signals (network dependent).

Requires complex interaction with the network, incurring network traffic.

Global navigation satellite system (abbreviated as GNSS)

Uses both the GPS and GLONASS for positioning.

Using more satellites, increases the successful positioning rate and the positioning accuracy.

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14.1.2 GPS Ports

Figure 14-1 PC UI Interface and GPS Interface detected after the module is connected to a computer

The PC UI Interface port could be used to send GPS-related AT commands, and the GPS Interface port could be used to send unsolicited indications for NMEA positioning data.

Figure 14-2 Data sent through the PC UI interface and GPS interface ports

GPS Interface PC UI Interface

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Open GPS Interface, then the positioning starts. So if you want to start the positioning by AT command in PC UI Interface, you need execute AT^WPDGP command in PC UI Interface before opening GPS Interface.

14.2 Standalone Positioning

Command Description

AT^WPDOM=0 Sets the positioning method to Standalone.


AT^WPDST=0 Sets the session type to single positioning.


AT^WPDST=1 Sets the session type to tracking positioning.



Sets unlimited positioning times and the interval between each positioning for the tracking and positioning. If the session is a single positioning, you do not need to set these parameters.



Sets the number of positioning times and the interval between each positioning for the tracking and positioning. If the session is a single positioning, you do not need to set these parameters.


AT^WPQOS=255,50 Sets the positioning service quality. The first parameter indicates the response time, and the second indicates the horizontal accuracy threshold. This command is just valid for single positioning.


AT^WPDGP Starts positioning.


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Command Description

^POSEND: -1,9 The first value indicates positioning end reason, and the second indicates the left positioning times.

The standalone method can be used when the module has no SIM card inserted.

If there is an ongoing positioning session, the session must be terminated before setting the positioning parameters so that the parameters can take effect for the positioning to be started. This rule applies to all positioning methods.

If the current positioning session is started by executing AT^WPDGP, execute AT^WPEND command in the same interface can terminate it.

If the current positioning session is started by opening GPS interface, close GPS interface can terminate it.

14.3 MSB Positioning Using the User Plane Protocol

Command Description

AT^WPDOM=5 Sets the positioning method to MSB.


AT^WPDST=1 Sets the session type to tracking and positioning.


AT^WPDFR=0,1 Sets unlimited positioning times and the interval between each positioning for the tracking and positioning.



Sets the A-GPS server address and port number. This address is just Google A-GPS server. Some of the A-GPS server requires certificate authentication.


AT^WPDGP Starts positioning.


^POSEND: -1,65535 The first value indicates positioning end reason, and the second indicates the left positioning times.

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The MSB method requires the module to register with a network, and will incur data traffic during positioning. When the MSB positioning fails, the module will automatically switch to the standalone positioning.

14.4 MSA Positioning Using the User Plane Protocol

Command Description

AT^WPDOM=1 Sets the positioning method to MSA



Sets the positioning service quality. The first parameter indicates the response time, and the second indicates the horizontal accuracy threshold.



Sets the A-GPS server address and port number. This address is just Google A-GPS server. Some of the A-GPS server requires certificate authentication.


AT^WPDGP Starts positioning.


^POSEND: -1,0 The first value indicates positioning end reason, and the second indicates the left positioning times.

The MSA method requires the module to register with a network, and will incur data traffic

during positioning. When the MSA positioning fails, the module will automatically switch to the standalone positioning.

For MSA, only the single positioning is supported.

14.5 GNSS Positioning

The GNSS positioning uses both the GPS and GLONASS satellites for positioning.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 74

Command Description


Sets GNSS as the positioning system to use both the GPS and GLONASS satellites for positioning. To switch the module to use GPS satellites only, run AT^WPCAP=1.


AT^WPDOM=a value within the value range

For the MSA and MSB positioning methods, the data obtained from the server is two-line orbital elements of GPS satellites, which will not help the GLONASS positioning, but the module will still search for GLONASS satellites.


AT^WPDST=1 Sets the session type to tracking and positioning.


AT^WPDFR=0,1 Sets unlimited positioning times and the interval between each positioning for the tracking and positioning.


AT^WPDGP Starts positioning.


^POSEND: -1,65535 The first value indicates positioning end reason, and the second indicates the left positioning times.

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HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module

Application Guide Appendix

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15 Appendix

15.1 Relative Documents

1. HUAWEI ME936 LTE M.2 Module AT Command Interface Specification

2. 3GPP TS 22.004 General on supplementary services

3. 3GPP TS 23.040 Technical realization of the Short Message Service(SMS)

4. 3GPP TS 24.008 Mobile radio interface Layer 3 specification; Core network protocols; Stage 3

5. 3GPP TS 27.005 Equipment (DTE-DCE) interface for Short Message Service (SMS) and Cell Broadcast Service (CBS)

6. 3GPP TS 27.007 AT command set for User Equipment (UE)

7. 3GPP TS 29.002 Mobile Application Part (MAP) specification

8. 3GPP TS 31.102 Universal Subscriber Identity Module(USIM) application

9. ETSI TS 102.221 Smart Cards; UICC-Terminal interface; Physical and logical characteristics

10. GSM 07.05 Equipment (DTE - DCE) interface for Short Message Service (SMS) and Cell Broadcast Service (CBS)

15.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations

Table 15-1 List of Abbreviations

Abbreviation Expansion

ACT Adaptive Clocking Tuning

APN Access Point Name

CDMA Code Division Multiple Access

CS Circuit Switched (CS) Domain

DPTF Dynamic Power and Temperature Framework

GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System

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Abbreviation Expansion

GPRS General Packet Radio Service

GPS Global Position System

GSM Global System for Mobile Communications

IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identity

IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity

IP Internet Protocol

LTE Long Term Evolution

ME Mobile Equipment

MT Mobile Terminal

NMEA National Marine Electronics Association

OTA Over The Air

PDP Packet Data Protocol

PDU Protocol Data Unit

PIN Personal Identity Number

PLMN Public Land Mobile Network

PPP Point-to-Point Protocol

PUK PIN Unblocking Key

PS Packet Switched (PS) Domain

QoS Quality of Service

RF Radio Frequency

RSSI Receive Signal Strength Indicator

SCA Service Center Address

SIM Subscriber Identity Module

SM Short Message

SMS Short Message Service

SMSC Short Message Service Center

TE Terminal Equipment

TPDU Transfer Protocol Data Unit

UIM User Identity Module

URC Unsolicited Result Code

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Abbreviation Expansion

USIM Universal Subscriber Identity Module

USSD Unstructured Supplementary Service Data

VP Validity Period


WWAN Wireless Wide Area Network

Table 15-2 Phonebook-related abbreviations

Abbreviation Full Name

SM SIM phonebook

LD MT last dialed number

EN SIM emergency number

FD SIM fixed dialing number

ON SIM own numbers

RC Recent call list on the MT

MC MT missed call list

Application Guide - Paoli - [PDF Document] (2024)


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