Forum Thermomix | Recipes and Help - Scones (2024)

Quote from: Nay-nay on November 27, 2009, 02:09:17 am

I think I'll always stick to my recipe handed down through a couple generations - it always works out perfect!

3 cups of SR flour
2 tbsp sugar
pinch of salt
3/4 cup cream - I just use 'pure' cream because that is all I have (no nasty additives) but when adding to this mix use it unwhipped then use the rest to whip and put on your scones with jam or passionfruit butter.
1 cup milk

Bung it all in TMX bring together for 2 seconds at speed 5. Knead on the Forum Thermomix | Recipes and Help - Scones (1) until it has come together to form scone dough. (approx. 10 sec). Cut with the MC and bake 220oC for 12min.

You can add extras to these - dates, craisins, sultanas - anything even lavender!

Ok - on Hally's request I have attempted to turn this recipe into a cheese scone. This is what I did -
Grated 140g Cheese for 5 sec
Put the rest of ingredients in (510g flour, 3tsp baking powder, 200g cream, 200g milk, 3 pinches of salt, 2 pinches of cayenne pepper, 2 tsp parsley flakes) left the sugar out.
Bring dough together and knead only about 10sec. Put dough on floured thermomat and press out to about 2cm thick (flour top) and cut with floured MC.
Verdict - I am very happy with them (so light and fluffy!!) but think I would use Parmesan cheese if I had it (or at least 70g of it) so that it had a strong cheesy flavour. I'd love to hear feed back with different herbs or more pepper?? This savoury version was fantastic with garlic butter in my chicken and vegie soup!!


Quote from: Gralke on January 30, 2010, 03:26:18 pm

I made these scones last Sunday and they are really wonderful. Thank you for a fantastic recipe. Scones can be fiddly and hard once baked but these are great. I made half a recipe and it made many - cut with the mc.
I converted into grams as follows:

510g self raising flour
2 tbsp sugar
pinch of salt
200g cream
250g milk


Georgie - Mmm, I just made these and they're delish. Thanks! I also made a half-batch, cut with my own cutter, although I think it's about the same size as the MC, and it made 12.

patsycake - Thanks for this recipe, Nay-nay, made it this afternoon and... mmm! Heaps simpler than the old rub-butter-into-flour-until-the-consistency-of-breadcrumbs method, and, as my chef father-in-law explained to me, you might as well use cream instead of butter and milk because... where do you get butter and milk from? Cream!

Obbie - Thanks, I have just made these scones. Yummy. These are so easy, work every time I make them.

Jabba - These are absolutely delicious! Thanks for posting.

MKOB - Nay-Nay, I have made scones before but they have always ended up as rock cakes. Had a sudden urge for scones at 11pm last night, found your recipe so made a batch and voila! Perfect scones. Thank you so much for posting!! My husband thinks I'm a cooking genius now - haha

virgo9 - just made these scones this afternoon and they were perfect. A big hit in our family, and so quick and easy.

Zan - Lovely scones!!! Made a half batch and they were gobbled up.

JD - These last few posting inspired me to get into the kitchen on a 41oC day to make half a batch. A lovely recipe Nay-nay. Took some scones + some jam and cream around to Mum and received a phone call later saying the scones were 'absolutely delicious' so from one family to another, we thank you. I just found the dough so easy to work with and it was the quickest batch of scones I've ever made.

Marina - These were the first totally successful scones I have ever made as well - they're wonderful. I always have a stock sitting in the freezer now for when visitors come (and for me when visitors don't come!). These are the best scones I have ever made as well.

Sarah72 - Made them today, actually having one or three right now. Perfection.

dede - Nay-Nay these were very, very nice, Made them today with some TM raspberry jam and Cream. yummo.
Only problem they didn't last long.

maddy - I have always been hopeless at making scones!......seems like I still am. I made a 1/2 batch just now, but my dough was really sticky. I was careful of measurements, so did I knead it for too long perhaps ? I did add some extra flour to the dough, and that did bring it all together. So how long does everyone knead it for please?

JD - I only kneaded for 25 seconds maddy.

Nay-nay - Mmm - I only just bring dough together and knead only about 10sec. Put dough on floured thermomat and press out to about 2cm thick (flour top) and cut with floured MC.

Scone making Tips from Rogizoja
My Mom taught me how to make scones and she always said the less you handle the dough, the better the scone. So mix until it all just comes together then gently press out to about an inch thick before cutting. Other tips:
1) dip your knife/cookie cutter into flour before cutting - your scones will then rise straight up and not be lop-sided (don't use MC, it compresses the dough).
2) when you brush the top with milk, make sure you don't let any dribble down the side or that side will be "glued" together and your scone will rise lop-sided.
3) Press your dough out into two equal sized portions then give one a light spray of oil and place the other on top before final press and cutting out - makes your scones easy to split once baked.

maddy - LOL.......I did all the "don't do's"

LeeJ - Made these today, I have never been any good at scones. I'm not really a scone fan, but dh loves them. Kneaded for 25 seconds, dough was still a little sticky, rolled it out gently and baked. Turned out beautifully, dh was very impressed, ran a plate round to dear Mum for afternoon tea, she was also happy.

Hally - Nay-nay, the cheese scones were perfect. Thank you so much.

Faffa 70 - savoury scone pin wheels - I am super mum according to my treasured 6 year old DS. I generally make these with bread dough for lunches, but they were hungry and really wanted pizza scrolls as they call the bread ones...
Make the scone mix leaving out the sugar and add around 1 tablespoon or to your taste of either dried Italian herbs or basil. Tip out on to Thermomat and gently press together to form a rectangle - not too wide as you only want to roll it a couple of times (less handling!!)
Spread with either tomato or BBQ sauce (BBQ here) then top with shredded ham or bacon and grated cheese. Roll up and slice off into rounds. Place close together in a lined lamington pan and cook as per usual.

Carine - Thanks Nay-nay for your scone recipe: yesterday I finally made a good batch of scones : previous recipes didn't work but yours is FANTASTIC.

Vivaroo - I don't really bake and I've never been able to make scones but this recipe has had rave reviews!

Questions if someone could be so kind:
Does a half batch work just as well?
When I cut them out, how much do I space them out on the tray. I seem to remember seeing scones baked very close together.
Does the tray get greased or floured? Do I brush scones with milk or flour or both?
How do you tell when cooked, golden?
Do they taste reasonable the next day?

Nay-nay - ok - I'll attempt to answer from what I have found - scones always taste best fresh out of oven - but are ok next day (a 10sec warm up is nice) They do colour up nicely when brush with milk (why waste an egg) and you know they are cooked when they are golden. Yes grease tray but can flour if you like. Now the arrangement on the tray may bring different answers for different reasons but I always arrange close so touching and break them apart when cooked. Hope this helps.
Another thing I always do when baking scones (apart from brewing a fresh pot of tea with REAL leaves) is wrap them in a clean tea towel as soon as removing them from the oven. By trapping the steam inside the towel it keeps them hot and fresh for longer and also makes for a softer crust .

JD - I'll answer the question you missed Nay. Yes, I have made 1/2 a batch successfully Viv.

Lellyj - Viv
I have made literally hundreds of scones using Nay-Nay's recipe (thanks again Cheesy, a baked up a storm for the school fete. I have never been a scone maker before, so believe me, it's a ripper recipe! I use a small cutter, find the measuring cup sucks in the dough a bit and is hard to remove, brush with milk, and put them very close together on the tray--maybe 1 cm apart. I use baking paper on the tray. Looking forward to hearing how you go--but I can assure you, if I can make beautiful scones using this recipe, anyone can!!

Vivaroo - I finally made these scones and they are good! I'm taking them to work morning tea.
Can I offer some 'not to do' tips for any fellow bake challenged people out there:
The TMX part is easy.
I don't have a TMX mat so thought flour on the bench top would do, no everything stuck. Also don't bother with a rolling pin it'll only stick to that too, lightly press with your hands (floured). For heavens sake use lots of flour on everything. I pressed it out too thin (I really must use a ruler for things I can't judge depth of dough), found it stuck, put it on to floured baking paper and started again, forgot to flour the top before I cut out with MC but remembered half way through and that makes a difference. Reformed it to make more, all the while thinking I'm handling too much, reformed again to use up all the dough, AND THEY STILL CAME OUT GOOD. In fact, the more rough formed ones at end of the batch looked better once baked than the few that were precision cut. Even if you can't bake try these anyway.

Denzelmum - Made this for breakfast at church, gone within minutes! Thanks for your wonderful recipe, Nay-nay!

matmob - I have just made these - they would have to be the best scones I have ever made, and most certainly the quickest and easiest! They were a little too brown on top though, so might either reduce the oven temp or maybe the cooking time a little next time - which do you suggest? Thanks so much for sharing this recipe.

Nay-nay - They need a pretty hot oven - just keep an eye on them and take them out a little earlier. Did you brush with milk?? If you did - don't do it next time (if you don't like them as brown)??

beezneez - Just tried them - absolutely brilliant. Yum - light and fluffy - perfect.

keiramax - Yum. It took longer to preheat the oven, than to make and get them onto the baking tray. This recipe has now been printed and in my to keep folder. Thanks.

Lilli33 - Sooooo quick to whip together anywhere perfect! Thanks for the recipe. Everyone loved it. (especially the kids). I think what I love the best is its a recipe where almost the less mixing you do the better. It really does need to be JUUUUST combined, take out . Cut. And cook. Love it!

korrick - This is one ridiculously easy recipe - I love it. From start to eating is 15mins! I use UHT cream as its always in my pantry, so I know I will always have the ingredients. I have struggled with scones in the past, but no longer!!!?? I cut out with the m/c, well floured and reformed leftovers to make 12. I put them close together on a tray so I can pull apart when cooked. I will experiment with sultanas, craisins and some savoury combinations. Great, thanks for posting.

shan k - I have made the plain ones in the past - but I made your cheese ones yesterday and have been crowned 'granddaughter of the year' from my granddad - they were delicious!

Tam - Just made 3 doz scones - they worked out perfectly!!!! Thanks. Will have to try your cheese scones next.

bickie - Delicious recipe thanks Nay Nay.. One thing that might be of interest is I tweaked the recipe to incorporate a tip from Paul Hollywood (Master UK baker and judge on Great British Bake off) and that is to use 500g strong bread flour, to which you add 5 tsp of baking powder. His point is a he doesn't trust commercial self raising flours to have the oomph he wants - and the bread flour gives you a stronger base from which to 'puff up' . He used a more technical term - but hopefully you understand what I mean! This combination worked incredibly well for big blousey scones - not delicate little hotel ones.. I also used creme fraiche instead of cream, as only had creme fraiche and that also worked fine.

Chookie - These are fab. Annie Smithers has the same recipe in her new book, only she use 650 of flour. I made 13 large ones and they are great toasted. Thanks Nay Nay.

Kent - Just made these scones and they're tasted great. Thanks very much Nay-nay for the recipe, so simple!

Gert - I have never made scones in my life but I had a lovely plumber here today and I made him some of Tenina's lemon curd. He promised to stop by this afternoon and bring me some bush lemons from a tree a neighbour is about to trim so I thought I would try this recipe. I have to tell you that even I was able to do this in just a few minutes. I also thought I would use the macaron tray I paid 20 bucks for. This is how they turned out. I amazed myself. Not bad for a first effort.

thermo18 - These are a quick and easy morning tea for unexpected guests, really enjoyed them and DH favourite.

AliRo - Just used this recipe to make scones for the first time in my life! These were yummo! I made a half batch and DH, DD and I have just about eaten the whole lot Shocked DH reckons they're too moist, he likes his drier. Who on earth likes dry scones?!

Moo2 - Love these scones Nay-Nay. Thanks heaps for the recipe.

MF - I just made a batch of your scones and have to say they are the best I have ever made. So light and yummy and so easy. I added sultanas this time and will use other fruits next time for a change. These will not last long here. Thank you so much for a great recipe. This is the only recipe I use when making scones. Perfect every time. My mum loves them so I usually make 2 batches. She keeps them in her freezer and pops them out when she has visitors .

Brumington - These are simply stunning. Even got the MIL's tick of approval. High praise indeed! I made half a batch and had them with Homemade Va Va Voom Strawberry Jam and cream. Beautiful.

Bec8112 - I made these to take to work for morning tea. It was my first ever attempt at scones and they were amazing! So many compliments. I also had them with the Vanilla Strawberry Jam and whipped cream.

djinni373 - Bought some Tamarillo and apple jam as well as some Jersey double cream at the local farmers market on the weekend, so had to make some scones. Best scones I have ever made. Light and delicious, and they "split" perfectly. Thanks for the conversion and the really great tips.

phatassphairy - I made these today faffa_70 suggested ...savoury scrolls, yum. Next time I am going to add minced garlic to the dough just to lift the mixed herbs. Another keeper.

DJ - Made these today. Half quantity. Used up the sour cream had left over. Very good, but different to usual scones. All eaten, maybe try thick cream next time? Thanks very much.

Kimmyh - Made these today. Half recipe was enough for us 4. Very pleased its similar to what I make (a Janelle bloom recipe) but much easier in tmx so will use this recipe from now on. Thank you.

Greyhoundmum - First time I ever made scones, always thought they were hard work so didn't bother. These came out really well. I had them with mascarpone and mixed berry jam, used small cutter made about 30 perfect bite sized.

Jamberie - Wow! I know why there are 12 pages of comments on this is a FabulouS recipe!!!!
I've been known to make 'rock cake'scones before and I have a temperamental oven and they were perfect!
And from opening the pantry door to taking my first bite took just over 15 minutes!

So...last time I made these I had lots of left overs so decided to freeze them....ok, I know, freezing scones is not ok! But...I defrosted them in the microwave then gave them 5 mins in the oven (the microwave made them a bit moist on the outside) and they were great! I'll definitely be doing this again for unexpected guests:)

kyton - Just made these. My mum uses a recipe that as lemonade and sour cream in it but it still scared me all the cutting and kneading. These turned out lovely.

VieveMS - I was thinking about making some pull-apart bread for lunch today but didn't want to wait for the dough to do its thing so decided to use Faffa's idea of savoury pin-wheels using Nay Nay's Scone mixture. So glad I did as they were delicious and better yet, they were ready in about 25 minutes. I made a 1/2 batch but only had about 90 grams of Self Raising flour so made up the rest with Wholemeal Plain Flour and Baking Powder. For my filling I used Sweet Chilli Sauce (freshly made this morning), bacon, tasty cheese and some basil leaves.

kt2 - Thank you so much for sharing this recipe, they're great! Made these for the first time today and they were so easy and light and fluffy. Will definitely make again and again.

Cuddle cook - Another big thank you! Just made a half batch with thickened cream, baked at 200c in a fan forced oven. Thought my old recipe was pretty good but these were dee-licious. Dh agrees best batch ever.

Nay-nay - Yes everyone who has asked - it is a great recipe to add whatever extras you want to - dried fruit, bacon, cheese, olives, blueberries, lavender the list is endless and is often used as a scone base for pizza too.

INAID - Me too it's brilliant.

Chookie - Also love this recipe. I sometimes add 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder if I think my SR flour is a bit stale. Jamberie, I toast leftovers or reheat in the air fryer.
Always make these with GC, get some funny shapes. Also often add fruit and or Dates and make fruit scones, add cheese into mix and on top, cheese scones.

kezza - I love it too. Don't use any other scone recipe but this one.

Suzanne - I made these yesterday for afternoon tea ds8 declared them the best scones he has ever eaten and that I was an awesome scone maker.

Catisa - If I was to add pumpkin to these scones, how much pumpkin should I add? Also would I pre-cook the pumpkin? Thanks.

Chookie - I would add about 1/2 cup cooked mashed pumpkin and 1 teaspoon of baking powder.

Deniser - Oh Dear. How does one tell their long gone Granny that she has been usurped? I always use my Mum's recipe handed down from her Mum (both gone now) but this morning was looking at a 200ml carton of Long Life Cream nearly at its use by date and decided to make these. So easy and tasty, cut with MC and made 20 so plenty to freeze and reheat for unexpected guests.

Forum Thermomix | Recipes and Help - Scones (2024)


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