How to Increase Sales on Poshmark: 16 Ideas to Make More Money | Hustle & Slow (2024)

How to Increase Sales on Poshmark: 16 Ideas to Make More Money | Hustle & Slow (1)

Are you a Poshmark seller? You’ve put all this time and effort into listing things, and maybe you’re not quite where you want to be when it comes to sales. Increasing sales on Poshmark isn’t really rocket science, but it can be extremely frustrating when you feel like you should be making more sales. Especially if you’re relying on your Poshmark income!

Whether you’re a new seller on Poshmark just trying to make extra money or you’ve been selling there for years, if you’re like most Poshmark sellers, you want to know how to increase sales on Poshmark. Well, you’re in luck! In this blog post, we will discuss some tips and tricks that will help you increase your sales and make more money!

Note: This post is sponsored by Vendoo and contains affiliate links. I only work with companies I genuinely recommend, and all opinions expressed in this post are my own.

Use good photos

This seems like a no-brainer, but it’s important to use good photos if you want to increase your Poshmark sales. Photos are your first impression on the buyer and if your photos are bad, they might just scroll on by without even considering it.

The best photos are bright, well-lit photos that show off your items in the best light possible. People want to see what they’re buying, so make sure your photos are clear and informative.

Here are a couple of examples where you can compare photos with clean backgrounds with photos that have a bit too much going on and see how it makes a difference. Which photos do you think are best? What do you want your photos to look like?

How to Increase Sales on Poshmark: 16 Ideas to Make More Money | Hustle & Slow (2)
How to Increase Sales on Poshmark: 16 Ideas to Make More Money | Hustle & Slow (3)

You don’t need an expensive camera or lighting set up for good photos. Usually, if you have a smartphone and some decent lighting, or a good window with natural light, you can take great photos. Otherwise, you can use various photo editing apps to help you out.

Good photo checklist:

  • clean background: No dirty carpet, clutter, etc. in the background. A solid white background is great if you can pull it off, but any plain background can work well.
  • bright/accurate colors: always try to get the most accurate colors possible and keep the photo bright and inviting
  • provide plenty of photos: each item should have a minimum of 3-4 photos. If you can include close ups, different angles, clothing tags, etc. then take more photos. The more photos you include, the more confident your potenial buyers will be about buying an item they can’t see in person.
  • prepare items ahead of time: if you’re selling clothing, you know that sometimes they can get a little wrinkled and less than attractive looking when in storage. Taking the time to steam or iron clothing and just make them look presentable and well taken care of can make a huge difference in your photos.

The best way to take good photos? Take a piece of inventory and go around to different places in your house and take some test photos. You can also try different times of day if you’re using natural lighting by a window. This will help you determine the best place to take good photos.

Price items competitively

One thing that a lot of Poshmark sellers struggle with is how to price items. You know what you paid, you know what you want for the item, but do you really know what it’s worth and what it could sell for? Sometimes those numbers are a bit far from each other and you end up pricing too high and not selling an item. Or you may even price something too low and lose out on some money.

When pricing an item, always try to be as competitive as possible. Check out other similar items as well as sold items and see what they’re selling for currently and what they’ve sold for in the past. You can look at sold listings on Poshmark, but I personally prefer to check Ebay solds as well. I just think it’s a little more accurate, personally. On Poshmark, if an item sells in a bundle, it will not adjust that price down accordingly. So it will show that it sold full price. That’s just something to keep in mind when pricing.

To check sold items on Poshmark, just search for the item you’re looking for information on and then in the filters click on “Availability” and click on “Sold Items” as shown below:

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Since most of us are sending offers and accepting offers on Poshmark, it’s ok to pad your pricing a bit to make up for that. You’ll have to decide if you want to price really competitively and not take/send offers, or if you want to inflate your prices by 10-25% and send/take a lot more offers.

Did you know you can actually see the percentage of items that sold by Buy Now (full price), Bundle Buy Now (someone put together a bundle and instantly purchased it), Offer (either they sent an offer or you did), and Bundle Offer (one of you sent an offer on a bundle)?

To see this go to Poshmark and then “My Seller Tools” then “My Closet Insights”

Here’s an example from my own closet:

You’ll see that about half of my sales come from someone just purchasing the item outright. After that, 40% sold from an offer. So it’s up to you to decide if you want to pad your pricing for offers or not.

Provide measurements

When creating your listings, it can be annoying to add another step, but providing measurements can be a great way to increase your sales on Poshmark. Why? Because some people want to know if something will fit them before they purchase it. Not everyone will use the measurements, but those who look for measurements are more likely to purchase if they see that it will fit without having to ask questions.

Optimize titles with keywords

Your listing titles are one of the most important things to getting your items discovered and sold on Poshmark. Many people will search in Poshmark using the search box and providing the right keywords that people are actually using to search for items is key to showing up when they search.

By adding in keywords that people would use to find your item, you can ensure that they can actually find the item you’re selling. Additionally, did you know that Poshmark items show up on google? That means if someone is searching for an item like yours on search engines like Google, there’s a chance it might show up on that search as well, not just searches in Poshmark.

What types of keywords should you include?

  • Brand name
  • Style
  • Size
  • Colors

Include style name or ID

In addition to basic keywords as outlined above, it’s a good idea to include the style name or number in your title. This doesn’t apply to all items, but certain brands do use style names or style numbers that people will look up if they’re looking for a specific item.

For example, Nike’s have a six-digit number on most of their items that represent the style of the item. This is also usually followed by a dash and a 3-digit number that represents the color of the item.

Write simple, clear descriptions

Some people get really creative with their descriptions and write lengthy, detailed descriptions of their items. And while that might work for some people, I’ve found that shorter, simpler descriptions are best. Why? Because people want to know the basics and tend to skim over lengthy text.

Descriptions that are clear, to the point, and easy to read are best.

Here is an example of a description from one of my listings:

How to Increase Sales on Poshmark: 16 Ideas to Make More Money | Hustle & Slow (5)

As you can see, I put each piece of information on a new line so it’s easy to skim, and I only include what’s important. No extra words or information. You can decide what to add or remove, but keeping it simple and to the point is ideal so your potential buyer can easily see the information they need.

Send out offers

While you obviously want to sell your items for full price when you can, making and taking offers is a huge part of Poshmark. Everyone loves a good deal and many buyers will send offers to try and get one. Almost half of the items I sell are through someone sending me an offer or me sending them an offer. So obviously, sending out offers is a great way to increase your sales on Poshmark and something you should try out if you haven’t already.

How to Increase Sales on Poshmark: 16 Ideas to Make More Money | Hustle & Slow (6)

To send out offers on an item, just click the “Offer/Price Drop” button on the item you want to send offers to likers on. Keep in mind that the item has to have likes for this to work. If there are no likes, there is no one to send an offer to.

From there, you’ll have to decide what kind of an offer you want to send. The minimum offer is 10% off and discounted ($5.95) shipping. This means that the offer will be sent out for 10% off your current pricing, and if the item sells the difference between shipping cost and the cost the buyer is paying will be subtracted from your payout.

It can be especially helpful to send bigger offers on items that have been sitting around a while and aren’t selling, if you’re comfortable with it. I usually stick with the minimum offer on most items, but as an item sits for a couple of months I might start to offer a bigger shipping discount, a bigger percentage off, or both. I also pad my prices a little bit to account for this.

Share your listings daily

Sharing your listings is an important piece in staying active and engaged on Poshmark. Because when someone searches for an item, it’s usually filtered by “Just Shared”, sharing your items frequently will increase views on your item. The more people that see your listings, the more likely someone is to buy something from you.

It can definitely be a bit tedious, but I do recommend sharing your closet AT LEAST once a day. Sharing 2-3 times a day is even better. Keep in mind that it can be time consuming if you have a large closet, so don’t feel like you have to share all of your items all at once. Back when I was manually sharing my items, I would do my best to share for a couple minutes during certain points of the day like after dinner or at the start of my day.

While it is controversial, there are also ways to automate sharing your listings using sharing tools like PosherVA. Click here to sign up for a free trial. I personally use it to share my closet several times a day and to send out automatic offers after someone likes an item and it saves me so much time!

Only list what sells

Easier said than done, right? One mistake a lot of beginners make is that they just list anything and everything. Or they just buy random items by popular brands assuming they’ll sell. Successful sellers on Poshmark are those that are able to accept that not everything sells. And that some things don’t sell for enough to make it worth the time you spend taking photos, storing, listing, and shipping the item.

My biggest piece of advice for Poshmark sellers is to only purchase items you know will sell. That means doing research or using past experience to help you make buying decisions. Buying bad inventory is wasted money and will eventually be wasted time as well. Knowing the best things to sell on Poshmark and how to figure that out is key to increasing your sales.

Relist items regularly

If an item doesn’t sell right away, don’t just let it sit in your Posh closet indefinitely. You can keep sharing that item so that it shows up at the top of the list when sorted by “Just Shared”, but relisting your item can give it a pretty big boost. I usually try to do this about once a month.

How to Increase Sales on Poshmark: 16 Ideas to Make More Money | Hustle & Slow (7)

Of course, completely relisting items takes time, so it can be helpful to have a tool to help you with this. I personally try to delist and relist five items each day using Vendoo, a reseller tool I couldn’t live without. The bulk delist/relist tool will remove your item from Poshmark (and many other platforms) and then repost it as a brand new item. This can really help you boost sales because it looks like a totally new listing to Poshmark and to buyers. This bumps it to the top of the “Just In” filter so if someone is searching for the newest listings, yours is more likely to show up if you’re relisting items regularly.

Want to try bulk delisting and relisting on Vendoo? Click here for 25% off your first month!

Take more offers

Keep in mind that your goal is to sell items, not hold on to them forever hoping for a few more dollars. It can be easy to get attached to your inventory and have a specific number in your head. But sometimes you just need to take that offer!

Evaluate each offer you get and decide if it’s a good offer to take. A few things to consider when deciding if you should take an offer:

  • current market value of the item (has demand gone down?)
  • how long you’ve had it for (has it been sitting a long time?)
  • condition of the item (is it a bit worn or in excellent condition?)
  • are there a lot of the same item listed?
  • if you counter the offer and they decline, will you wish you had taken it?
  • how far is it from the minimum you want to accept? is it just a few dollars or more like $10-$20 away?

One thing that is tricky to let go of is how much you paid. Just because you paid $10 for something doesn’t mean you’re going to get what you want for it. I’ve had to take a loss or a lot less on items in the past because I either didn’t do proper research, or the market value of that item just wasn’t there after a few months.

Still not willing to take the offer? ALWAYS COUNTER. I almost never decline an offer. They may or may not take your countered offer, but declining is instantly losing a sale.

Offer discounts on bundles

There are a few ways to do this. You can set a bundle discount in your Poshmark settings such as 10% off bundles of 3 items or more. This will show up in your closet and automatically apply when people create a bundle.

To do this go to “My Seller Tools” then “My Seller Discounts” and set an automatic discount as shown below.

How to Increase Sales on Poshmark: 16 Ideas to Make More Money | Hustle & Slow (8)

You could also just mention in all of your listings that you offer discounts on bundles if you want to better customize the bundles for your customers. Another thing you can do is if you notice someone liking a lot of your items, you can add them all to a bundle and send them an offer rather than waiting for them to create a bundle themselves. Some people don’t realize they can do bundles so doing it for them may get you the sale!

Participate in closet clear out

On Poshmark, closet clear out is when Poshmark offers a shipping discount on items when you drop the price of the item. This is a great way to make sales, especially on items you want to move because they have been sitting for a while. Usually, you have to drop your price by at least 10% and then Poshmark will notify anyone who has liked the item and offer them discounted shipping on Poshmark’s behalf. This way you’re not paying for the discounted shipping yourself, just the 10% or more price drop that you discounted the item.

Closet clear out happens pretty regularly on Poshmark, so as long as you’re logging in regularly you should be able to participate a few times a month.

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Share to parties

Poshmark parties are a great way to get your items in front of new people. There are all sorts of different themed Posh parties happening every day on Poshmark. You can usually find these in the “Parties” section at the bottom of the app. When you share an item to a party, it will show up on the feed of that party. This can get more eyes on your item, but also may get you some community shares because some people like to share other people’s items through parties.

List more items

This one is pretty simple but listing more items = more sales. Listing new items regularly is crucial if you want to make more sales on Poshmark. The more items you have in your Poshmark closet, the more likely your items are to show up in search results. If you’re just listing a few items here and there, it’s going to be harder to make sales. Think of it this way: if you only have 20 or 30 listings, that’s 20 or 30 opportunities for someone to find your closet. If you have 200 or 300 that’s way more items to bring people into your closet.

Bonus: Cross post your items

This isn’t exactly increasing your sales on Poshmark specifically, but cross posting your items can really increase your sales. By cross posting your items to other online marketplaces, you can get your items in front of more people. This gives you another avenue for making sales and doesn’t take that much extra time since you’ve already done the work of taking pictures and writing descriptions. Using a cross posting tool like Vendoo can make this extremely easy! Click here for 25% off your first month of Vendoo.

If you’re struggling with increasing your sales on Poshmark, I hope this post has provided you with some ideas to try out to make more money!

How to Increase Sales on Poshmark: 16 Ideas to Make More Money | Hustle & Slow (2024)


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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.