What are the types of floor plans? | Make My House (2024)

There are many different types of floor plans. The type of floor plan that is right for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences.

The most common types of floor plans are:

One-story floor plan:

A one-story floor plan is a great option for those who want everything on one level. This type of floor plan eliminates the need for stairs, making it a convenient and safe option for families with young children or those who want to age in place. One-story floor plans also tend to be more energy-efficient than multi-story homes since there is less air movement throughout the house.

If you’re considering a one-story floor plan for your next home, here are a few things to keep in mind. First, one-story homes typically have a smaller footprint than multi-story homes, so they can be a great option if you’re working with a limited lot size. Second, one-story homes often have higher ceilings, which can give the illusion of more space.

What are the types of floor plans? | Make My House (1)

Two-story floor plan:

The two-story floor plan is ideal for families who want plenty of space. This type of floor plan typically includes a master bedroom on the first floor and additional bedrooms on the second floor. Some two-story floor plans also include a loft on the second floor, which can be used as an extra bedroom, play area, or office.

If you’re considering a two-story floor plan for your next home, here are a few things to keep in mind. First, you’ll need to make sure that the second floor is accessible by stairs. Second, you’ll need to consider the layout of the rooms on both floors. And third, you’ll need to be aware of the overall height of the home, which will impact the cost of construction.

What are the types of floor plans? | Make My House (2)

Split-level floor plan:

The split-level floor plan is a type of floor plan that is designed to make use of the available space in a more efficient way. This type of floor plan is usually used in homes with limited space. It is also a popular choice for homes that are built on sloped land.

The split-level floor plan typically consists of two or more levels that are connected by a staircase. The levels are usually of different sizes, with the upper level being smaller than the lower level. This type of floor plan is designed to make the most of the available space, and it can be a great option for homes with limited space.

There are a variety of different types of floor plans, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The most important factor in choosing a floor plan is finding one that meets your specific needs. Once you have a general idea of what you are looking for, you can begin narrowing down your options by considering things like the size of the rooms, the layout of the space, and the overall style of the floor plan. If you need help finding the best floor plan, you can call Make My House – at 18004193999 Or Get Our free Floor plan Sample Today!

What are the types of floor plans? | Make My House (2024)


What are the types of floor plans? | Make My House? ›

There are four basic types of floor plans: open floor plans, closed floor plans, modular floor plans, and hybrid floor plans. Open floor plans are perfect for families who want to be able to interact with each other while they are cooking or relaxing in the living room.

What are the floor plan categories? ›

7 Types of Floor Plans for Your Home
Floor Plan StyleStoriesDefining Characteristics
Cape Cod2Two stories, one bedroom on first floor
2Three levels, two stories
Colonial2Bedrooms on second floor
Contemporary1–2Unique layout
3 more rows
Nov 27, 2023

What is the layout of your house called? ›

Floor plan – meaning

Floor plans (sometimes called house plans) are essential in architecture and building designs. They visually represent the relationship between rooms, furniture layout and will help you understand how the space works.

What is a layout plan for a house? ›

A layout plan is a map, drawn with a certain perspective in order to highlight the position of a building, structure or structures, of which the projects are completed but not the constructions, on a construction site.

What are the 4 types of floor plans? ›

There are four basic types of floor plans: open floor plans, closed floor plans, modular floor plans, and hybrid floor plans. Open floor plans are perfect for families who want to be able to interact with each other while they are cooking or relaxing in the living room.

What is the most common floor plan scale? ›

For residential floor plans, the most common scale used is ¼” = 1'. If you're working on a commercial blueprint, it is more likely that you will be relying on a scale of ⅛” = 1'. All blueprints should be clearly marked to inform others of what scale is being utilized.

How to find your house blueprints online? ›

One option for how to get a blueprint of your house is to search online public record systems, like the Nationwide Environmental Title Research. If your community has an online archive system, you may also be able to request access to your blueprint there.

How do I draw my own floor plan for my house? ›

How to Draw a Floor Plan
  1. Determine the area to be drawn for the project.
  2. Measure the walls, doors and other features.
  3. Draw the walls to scale on graph paper or using software.
  4. Add architectural features, utilities and furniture.
  5. Review with the homeowner.

How do I calculate the floor plan of my house? ›

Draw a rough sketch of your entire space, labeling all of the rooms you need to measure. Include hallways and vestibules as their own “room.” Measure the length and width, in feet, of each room. Then, multiply the length by the width to calculate that room's square footage.

What does C mean on a floor plan? ›

Your floor plans will measure items in both millimetres and brick courses (this gets abbreviated to “c”). One brick course is 86mm as it includes both a standard 76mm brick and 10mm of mortar.

What are house drawings called? ›

An architectural drawing or architect's drawing is a technical drawing of a building (or building project) that falls within the definition of architecture.

What is the perfect home layout? ›

Ideally, to provide the best layout for your family, there should be one bathroom for every two bedrooms in the house. Homeowners who entertain frequently should choose a house layout that has a full or a half-guest bathroom near the living area. The guest bathroom should be downstairs in homes with multiple floors.

How do you find the layout of your house? ›

Luckily, there are a few ways to get blueprints.
  1. Contact Your Local Planning Office or Permit Agency.
  2. Research Old Fire Maps.
  3. Open-Floor Plans vs. Closed-Floor Plans.
  4. Floor Plans of Common Home Styles.
Apr 17, 2023

What are the 4 types of layout planning? ›

There are four basic layout types: process, product, hybrid, and fixed position. In this section we look at the basic characteristics of each of these types. Then we examine the details of designing some of the main types. Layouts that group resources based on similar processes or functions.

What is the difference between a floor plan and a layout plan? ›

A furniture or appliance plan, or layout, shows the locations of items relative to each other in a specific space. The walls will be “diagrammatic"..just as a line. In a floor plan, the locations are measured, and the utility locations and surrounding construction is shown.

What are the categories of a plan? ›

Within planning, there are four major categories: strategic, tactical, operational, and contingency planning.

What are sections in floor plan? ›

A section is an orthographic projection of an object as if it would appear cut vertically by an intersecting plane. A section is drawn similar to a floor plan, but vertically. What is most important in a section is the information that is cut through. As a plan, we see wall thicknesses, windows, doors and openings.

What are the three zones of a floor plan? ›

There are 3 main zones in every home: living, sleeping, and service. When laying out the floor plan, consider these zones and the activities that take place in those zones. Quiet and private zones should be separated from noisy and public zones.

What are the details of a floor plan? ›

A floor plan is a bird's eye view diagram of a home or property. Its purpose is to illustrate the design of the property and it therefore includes structural and design details such as walls, windows, doors and stairs as well as fixed kitchen appliances and bathroom fittings.


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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.